Travis R. Wakeham

- Assistant Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences
- Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Biological Sciences
- Coordinator of Academic Advising, Office of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education
- MS, Biological Sciences
- Graduate Certificate, Post-Secondary STEM Education
About Me
Travis is a proud born and raised Yooper; he received both his B.S. and M.S. in Biological Sciences from Michigan Tech. Wanting to stay close to home, he joined his alma mater as the Department of Biological Sciences Laboratory Supervisor in 2017. Since then, he has become an Academic Advisor and Lecturer.
In his position as an academic advisor, Travis helps students to understand academic policies and procedures, select courses to fulfill their academic goals, locate and use campus resources, and explore career options. Travis is trained in Mental Health First Aid and serves as a Career Coach and a member on the Title IX Awareness Committee. In addition to advising, Travis teaches several courses in the department and coordinates educational outreach activities. Outside of work, he enjoys reading comics, watching movies, playing with his dog Oliver, exploring the Keweenaw, trying out new recipes, and sketching.
His office is located inside of the Department of Biological Sciences office, Dow 740. Whether you're just passing through and want some candy, wish to discuss your academic plan, need help in one of his classes, or in need of a non-judgmental listener -- please stop on in! You can also schedule a meeting with him through his appointment's calendar.
Links of Interest
- Teaching courses in human biology and professional development
- Academic planning and student success
- Providing professional development and resources for academic advisors