Taana Blom
- Administrative Aide 8
- taana@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2156
- 201A Walker

Heather Simpson
- Director of Advising and Exploring Majors
- Exploring Majors/General Sciences and Arts
- Instructor
- Visual and Performing Arts Academic Advisor
- hsimpson@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3283
- 209E Walker Arts and Humanities Center
- Teaches SA 1000 - Exploring Majors at Michigan Tech
- Provides outreach and academic support to student populations

Alexis E. Snell
- Director of College Finance and Administration
- aesnell@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3182
- Walker Arts & Humanities Center 201B
- Director, Pre-Health Programs
- Pre-Health Advisor
- Affiliated Faculty
- Biological Sciences & Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- kemmyt@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3585
- Dow 715
Links of Interest
- Professionalism
- Human Physiology & Epigenetic Influences
- Diversity and Equity in Healthcare
- Sports Injury Prevention & Treatment

Windy Veker
- College Marketing and Communications Manager, University Marketing and Communications
- wjveker@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1592
- Walker 201E
About Windy
- Windy uses engaging writing and marketing strategies to elevate the stories of students, faculty and staff in both the College of Sciences and Arts and the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science with effective, on-brand content and communications.
- Her professional background includes copy editing for the Daily Mining Gazette and broadcast journalism experiences as a TV6 bureau reporter.
- She enjoys watching campy horror movies, listening to podcasts and playing table top roleplaying games with her family and friends.