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The Michigan Tech University Senate, established in 1958, serves as the representative body for academic and research faculty and professional staff and hence, as the principal means by which Senate constituents participate in the shared governance of Michigan Tech. Through its Constitution, which is Board of Trustees policy, the Senate is vested with the responsibility and authority to review and establish policy in a variety of areas, including matters of academic policy and procedures.

In addition, the Senate's Constitution vests the Senate with the responsibility and authority to review and make recommendations on an additional range of policies and procedures, including, for example, fringe benefits. Finally, the Senate also provides a forum for discussing matters of interest to the university community.

University Senate Vision Statement

The University Senate will be regarded as a respected, relevant and independent representative body that leads by promoting faculty and staff interests  in the shared governance of the University.  Its actions support the University mission and the day-to-day professional activities of faculty and staff.  The University Senate is an active partner in University decisions affecting academic and administrative affairs.