Per Senate Proposal 8-20: "Restructuring of Professional Staff in the University Senate", below is a breakdown of the current professional staff units represented on the University Senate. Next to the name of each unit is name of the current Senator representing that unit. If there is no current representative, the word "VACANT" is written. If you are a member of a unit with a vacant Senator seat and are interested in serving on the Senate or have any questions about serving on the Senate, please contact the Senate Assistant.
Academic Services A: Senator Chad Arney
- Biological Sciences; Biomedical Engineering; Center for Teaching and Learning; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Registrar's Office
Academic Services B: VACANT
- Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering; College of Engineering; Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences; Materials Science and Engineering; Michigan Tech Transportation Institute; Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
Academic Services C: VACANT
- Psychology and Human Factors; College of Sciences and Arts; College of Computing; Computer Science; Graduate School; Humanities; Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology; Mathematical Sciences; Physics; College of Business; College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science; Social Sciences; Visual and Performing Arts; Applied Computing
Administration A: VACANT
- Associate Vice President for Administration; Budget and Planning; Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Administration; Financial Services and Operations; Human Resources; Institutional Research; Internal Audit; Vice President for Finance; Commuity Engagement
Administration B: Senator Dave Krings
- Continuous Improvement; Environmental Health & Safety; Facilities Management; Merchandising Operations; Public Safety & Police Services; Transportation Services
Advancement and Alumni Engagement: Senator Joan Tapani
- Alumni Engagement; Annual Giving; Advancement; Advancement Research; Donor Relations; Foundation Relations; Gift Planning; Industry Engagement
Auxiliaries and Athletics: Senator Patrice Cobin
- A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum; Athletics; Business Support Center; General Recreation; Memorial Union; Mont Ripley; Portage Lake Golf Course; Residential Dining; Rozsa Center
Information Technology: Senator Charlie Temple
- Information Technology
Research 1: Senator Kelsey Kocher
- Innovation and Industry Engagement; Keweenaw Research Center; Michigan Tech Research Institute; Sponsored Programs Office; Vice President for Research
Research 2: Senator Nicole Young Potvin
- Innovation and Industry Engagement; Keweenaw Research Center; Michigan Tech Research Institute; Sponsored Programs Office; Vice President for Research
Student Affairs: Senator Casey Nelson
- Academic and Community Conduct; Career Services; Counseling Services; Dean of Students Office; Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX and Inclusion; Residence Education and Housing Services; Student Leadership and Involvement; Student Affairs Information Services; Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success; International Programs and Services
University Relations and Enrollment: Senator Ninette Carlson
- Admissions; Center for Pre-College Outreach; Financial Aid Administration; University Marketing and Communications; University Relations & Enrollment
3 At-large Staff Senators: Steve Patchin, Kailee Laplander, and Jari Sague
- At-large Senators are meant to act to benefit the professional staff as a whole regardless of their other staff unit affiliation. They represent all regular, full time, non-unionized professional staff.