Meeting 549 Agenda

The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

TO: Senators, Alternates, and Liaisons
FROM: Judi Smigowski, Senate Assistant
DATE: April 23, 2014
SUBJECT: Agenda for University Senate Meeting #549
COPIES: President, Provost, Board of Control, Vice Presidents, Library Reserve, Staff Council Chair, Tech Today, MTU Lode, MTU Daily Bull

Meeting #549 of the University Senate of Michigan Technological University will convene at 5:30pm on Wednesday April 23, 2014 in Room 642 in the DOW Building.

Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of this meeting’s agenda. If neither the Senator nor the Alternate can attend they should send a substitute.

1)  Roll Call of Senators and Recognition of Visitors 3
2)  Approval of Agenda 1
3)  Approval of Minutes from Meeting  #547 1
4)  Presentation by Michigan Tech President Glenn Mroz 10
5)  Presentation:  “President’s Evaluation Results 2013-14”  presented by Madhukar Vable, Chair Senate Administrative Policy Committee      slides 20
6)  Presentation:  “Driving Better Outcomes for your Faculty and Staff”  by  TIAA-CREF, Marvin Turner, Relationship Manager and Ruth Davidson, Communication Consultant   30
7)  Presentation:  “2014 Updates from the Graduate School”  presented by Jacqueline Huntoon, Graduate School Dean and Associate Provost      slides 20
8)  Presentation:  “The Alliance for Computing, Information, and Automation”   presented by Daniel R. Fuhrmann, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept        slides 20
9)  Old Business:   
a.  Proposal 2-14:  “Proposal to Modify Senate Procedure 506.1.1:  Evaluation Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans”  (revised 04-09-14)  presented by Administrative Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Full Senate) 5
b.  Proposal 29-14:  Required Oral Examination Attempts”  presented by Instructional Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Academic) 5
c.  Proposal 30-14:  “Amendment to Academic Suspension and Dismissal Policy”  presented by Instructional Policy Committee  (revised 04-17-14)  (Voting Units: Academic) 5
d.  Proposal 31-14:  “Proposal to Amend Senate Policy 701.3: Non Faculty Academic Appointments”  presented by Instructional Policy Committee  (Voting Units: Academic) 5
e.  Proposal 32-14:  “Notification Time for Changes in Fringe Benefits and Questions for Healthcare Insurance Consultants”  (revised 04-17-14)  presented by Fringe Benefits Committee  (Voting Units: Full Senate) 5
f.  Proposal 33-14:  “Proposal to Shelve Contemporary Culture Concentration in the CCM Program”  presented by Curricular Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Academic) 5
g.  Proposal 34-14: “Proposal to Shelve Media Concentration in the CCM Program”  presented by Curricular Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Academic) 5
h.  Proposal 35-14: “Proposal to Shelve Language and Diversity Concentration in the CCM Program”  presented by Curricular Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Academic) 5
10)  Reports  
a.  President’s Report 5
b.  Senate Committee Reports – Academic Policy, Administrative Policy, Curricular Policy, Elections, Finance, Fringe Benefits, Institutional Planning, Instructional Policy, Professional Staff Policy, Research Policy 20
11)  Adjournment