The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
(Proposal 28-04)
(Proposal 26-05)
(Proposal 8-06)
(Proposal 1-10)
(Proposal 48-22)
Senate Policy 109.1
Coordinating Procedure 109.1.1
Academic integrity is the moral code and ethical policy of scholarly work. It requires the adoption of educational values and the maintenance of academic standards. Academic integrity and honesty are central components of a student's education, and the ethical conduct maintained in an academic context will be taken eventually into a student's professional career. Academic integrity is essential in a community of scholars searching and learning to search for truth. Anything less than total commitment to integrity undermines the efforts of the entire academic community. Both students and faculty are responsible for insuring the academic integrity of the university.
This policy applies to the academic conduct of all persons who have ever matriculated at Michigan Technological University, whether or not the person is enrolled at the time an allegation of academic misconduct is made.
This policy addresses academic misconduct in course work. Allegations of misconduct in research or publication are addressed under Misconduct in Research, Scholarly and Creative Endeavors Policy (Policy 204.1).
Procedures to ensure fairness and due process for all parties involved in any apparent violation of the Academic Integrity Policy have been developed, and will be reviewed every five years by the Office of Academic and Community Conduct in consultation with the Graduate School and University Conduct Board.
I. Definition of Academic Misconduct.
Michigan Tech defines academic misconduct as any attempt to create or assist in creating an unfair advantage for an individual or an unfair disadvantage for other members of the university community.
II. Types of Academic Misconduct
Plagiarism: Copying another's work or ideas and calling them one's own or not giving proper credit or citation. This includes but is not limited to reading or hearing another's work or ideas and using them as one's own; quoting, paraphrasing, or condensing another's work without giving proper credit; purchasing or receiving another's work and using, handling, or submitting it as one's own work.
Cheating: Unauthorized use of any study aids, equipment, or another's work during an academic exercise. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized use of notes, study aids, electronic or other equipment during an examination; copying or looking at another individual's examination; taking or passing information to another individual during an examination; taking an examination for another individual; allowing another individual to take one's examination; stealing examinations. Cheating also includes unauthorized collaboration. All graded academic exercises are expected to be performed on an individual basis unless otherwise stated by the instructor. An academic exercise may not be submitted by a student for course credit in more than one course without the permission of all instructors. [i.e. selfplagiarism].
Contract Cheating: The outsourcing of student work to third parties (Lancasterand Clarke, 2016, p.39).
parties may include but are not limited to family and friends; academic custom writing
sites; legitimate
learning sites (e.g., file sharing, discussion, and micro-tutoring sites); legitimate
non-learning sites (e.g.,
freelancing sites and online audio sites); paid exam takers; and pre-written essay
banks (Ellis, Zucker, and
Randall, 2018, p.2). Most online help sites have honor codes and/or copyright policies.
Students should ask
their professors whether or not they (students) are authorized to use online help
sites. Students should only
upload content to these websites that they have made or are otherwise authorized to
Fabrication: Intentional and/or unauthorized invention or alteration of any information or citation during an academic exercise. This includes but is not limited to the unauthorized changing or adding an answer on an examination and resubmitting it to change the grade; inventing data for a laboratory exercise or report.
Facilitating Academic Misconduct: Allowing or helping another individual to plagiarize, cheat, or fabricate information.
III. Sanctions under the Academic Integrity Policy. These sanctions are listed in increasing order of severity.
Sanctions under the Academic Integrity Policy will be applied according to the Academic Integrity Procedures.
Proposal 28-04:
Adopted by Senate: 7 April 2004
Approved by President: 22 April 2004
Proposal 26-05:
20 April 2005: Adopted by the Senate
Proposal 8-06:
Introduced in Senate: 18 January 2006
Revised: 1 February 2006 and 15 February 2006
Adopted by the Senate: 15 February 2006
Approved by Administration: 6 April 2006
Proposal 1-10:
Introduced to Senate: 09 September 2009
Tabled and returned to committee: 23 September 2009
Approved by Senate: 07 October 2009
Approved by Administration: 19 October 2009
Proposal 48-22:
Introduced to Senate: 6 April 2022
Approved by Senate: 20 April 2022
Approved by Administration: 22 April 2022