Policy 312.1

(Proposal 26-08) (Proposal 3-13) (Proposal 40-15) (Proposal 3-25) (Proposal 9-25)

Senate Policy 312.1

RATIONALE: Students should be provided with the information necessary to prepare and perform well in courses.

POLICY PROPOSAL: The instructor of each section of any course at Michigan Technological University (except for research and independent study sections) shall provide enrolled students with course syllabus information in one or more of the following ways within the learning management system (LMS) course (currently Canvas) linked to Banner and created for that section:

  • Provide the course syllabus as a content page in the LMS.
  • Upload the accessible course syllabus document to the LMS. (An accessible syllabus template is available in Word or Google Docs formats).
  • Provide a URL link to an accessible course syllabus in the LMS.

This syllabus requirement is effective beginning in the fall 2025 semester.

The syllabus should be provided to students on the first day of class but must be provided to students within the first week of class. *Students who add the class after this time are responsible for obtaining the syllabus. Elements of the course syllabus are subject to modification by the instructor during the semester as the need arises. Instructors must, however, give students sufficient notice of any modifications to the syllabus that might affect their performance in the course. Notification of modifications should be made in writing via handout or email.

The course syllabus must contain the following information and may contain any additional information that the instructor deems appropriate or necessary.

Required Content

  • Instructor Identification Instructor’s
  • Name, Title, and Contact Information (including email address, university phone number, office location, and other contact information deemed appropriate by the instructor)
  • Instructor’s Office Hours
  • Course Identification- Course Number and Section (e.g., PSY 4110-R01) Course Title Course Description, Overview, and Learning Outcomes/Objectives Prerequisites/Corequisites
  • Course Requirements (e.g., required textbooks, course packs, fees, materials, supplies, etc.)
  • Grading Scheme(e.g., weighting of assignments/exams, class participation, attendance, penalties for late/missing work, etc.)
  • Projected Schedule of Exams and Projected Due Dates for Projects, Papers, and Other Assignments
    Course Policies (e.g., behavioral standards, attendance, group work/collaboration, safety regulations, etc.)
  • Citation of, or web reference to university policies on Academic Integrity, Americans with Disability Act, and Equal Opportunity
  • Specific course rules or policies regarding collaboration on graded academic exercises.
  • As part of the university's commitment to curricular quality, student work products may be used to evaluate how well Michigan Tech students are achieving programmatic learning outcomes. Findings are used to inform future course and curricular improvements to support student learning but are not used to evaluate specific students and individual instructors.
  • Any changes to the above elements should be provided to students in writing.
  • The chair of the department may approve deviations from the above format if deemed appropriate (e.g., independent study, research assistant, etc.).



  • Any student requiring accommodations due to a documented disability must provide the instructor of the course notification of needed accommodations no later than five business days prior to the use of the accommodations. In situations where fewer than five days’ notice is given, the instructor is encouraged, but not obligated, to provide accommodations. The instructor will determine, in consultation with the Testing Center in the Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning, whether these accommodations can be met.  


  • Students who have an accommodation for extended time allowed on tests shall not be required to spend more than six hours per calendar day in final examinations. For a student with an accommodation for extended time, this may reduce the limit on examinations per day to less than the normal limit of three. To resolve time conflicts between two overlapping exams (either regular exams or final examinations), the current practices of the University shall be followed.

*Note: Syllabus templates and suggested elements will be available by Fall 2008 via the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development website.



Proposal 26-08:
Introduced to Senate: 2 April 2008
Adopted by Senate: 16 April 2008
Approved by Administration: 28 April 2008

Proposal 3-13:
Introduced to Senate: 24 October 2012
Approved by Senate: 7 November 2012
Approved by Administration: 19 November 2012

Proposal 40-15:
Introduced to Senate: April 1, 2015
Approved by Senate: April 15, 2015
Approved by Administration: April 22, 2015

Proposal 3-25:
Introduced to Senate: October 10, 2024
Approved by Senate: October 24, 2024
Approved by Administration: October 31, 2024

Proposal 9-25:
Introduced to Senate: October 31, 2024
Approved by the Senate: November 7, 2024
Approved by Administration: January 29, 2025