Repeat Policy
(Proposal 7-09) (Proposal 54-21) (Proposal 19-24)
Senate Policy 313.1
The Senate's initial establishment of the Repeat Policy was through Proposal 1-82. The policy established by that proposal was superseded by the policy of Proposal 3-88. Proposal 3-88 was amended by proposal 24-99. Proposal 7-09, as edited and distributed for Senate Meeting 472, contains language that should be incorporated in the current Repeat Policy. Additionally, the policy was edited by Proposal 54-21 and Proposal 19-24.
Repeat Policy
Students may repeat a course under the following guidelines:
● When a course is repeated the most recent grade will be used to calculate the GPA,
credits earned toward graduation, and determination of class standing.
● A record of all attempts and the grades received will appear on the student’s official
● Any course repeated for credit must be taken using the same grade mode as the first
attempt (e.g. pass/fail grades will not replace letter grades).
● Repeat indicators of “Include” and “Exclude” will appear on the official transcript
to identify repeated courses.
● W (Withdrew) and I (Incomplete) grades will not replace a previous grade.
● Students must have the permission of the dean of students and their academic advisor
for the third attempt at any one course.
● Courses exempt from the repeat rule are those that may be repeated for credit as
indicated in the course description.
● In situations where an original course is no longer offered and no active direct
equivalent exists, students may seek the permission of their academic advisor and
their department chair or head of the academic unit to substitute a different course
(a “similar repeat”) which covers comparable material at a similar level. The similar
repeat must also be approved by the academic unit that offered the original course,
which may be outside of the student’s academic unit.
● Graduate students should also refer to Senate Policy 418.1 for additional considerations.
Introduced to Senate: 21 January 2009
Edited version: 18 March 2009
Adopted by Senate: 18 March 2009
Approved by Administration: 24 March 2009
Proposal 54-21:
Introduced to Senate: April 7, 2021
Adopted by Senate: April 21, 2021
Approved by Administration: May 6, 2021
Proposal 19-24:
Introduced to Senate: April 3, 2024
Adopted by Senate: April 17, 2024
Approved by Administration: April 24, 2024