The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 39-15
(Voting Units: Academic)
“Amending Senate Policy 602.1: Final Exam Policy”
PDF Version of Proposal 39-15
I. Introduction
The new policy on accommodated examinations in Proposal XX 38-15 limits the total amount of time per day a student may spend on such examinations to six hours. A consequence is that the limit on number of examinations per day may be lower for accommodated students than the normal limit of three established in Senate Policy 602.1. Though the current version of Policy 602.1 is compatible with the new policy on accommodated examinations, a note that the limit for accommodated students may be lower than three per day may be helpful to readers of 602.1.
II. Proposed Amendment
In Senate Policy 602.1, after the sentence
“No student shall be required to take more than three examinations per calendar day.”
the following sentence shall be inserted:
“For students with an accommodation for extended time on examinations, the limit may be fewer than three examinations per day, since Policy XXX 605.1 limits the total amount of time that such students may be required to spend on examinations to six hours per day.”
Proposal 39-15:
Introduced to Senate: April 1, 2015
Approved by Senate: April 15, 2015
Approved by Administration with Editorial Correction (in red): April 22, 2015
Senate Approved Editorial Correction: September 9, 2015