Proposal 7-15

The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

Proposal 7-15

(Voting Units: Academic) 

“Shelving the Master of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering (EGR3)”

PDF version of Proposal 7-15

I.  Background

In 2013, faculty responsible for administering the Master of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering (EGR3) determined that the needs of coursework students were better served by allowing such students to enroll in a “Plan D” option (coursework only) of the Master of Science degree program in Civil Engineering (ECN). (ECE)

II.  Proposal

Hence, it is proposed that the Master of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering (EGR3) be shelved.

The final term during which the program was open for new admits was the spring semester of 2013.

There are currently no students enrolled in this program. (Students were last enrolled in the program during the spring semester of 2013.)

Introduced to Senate: September 24, 2014
Approved by Senate: October 8, 2014
Approved by Administration: October 24, 2014
Typographical error corrected in red October 29, 2014
