The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 13-20
Department Charter for Engineering Fundamentals
Charter for the Department of Engineering Fundamentals
Version 21
October 4, 2019
Approving and Amending the Charter and Department Voting
1.a.1. Voting Members
The term "voting faculty" used herein applies to faculty with at least a 50% appointment
in the Department who hold the rank of Professor of Practice, Principal Lecturer,
Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Professor, Research Professor, Associate Professor, Associate
Research Professor, Assistant Professor, or Assistant Research Professor. The chair
votes only to break ties. Staff may vote on non-academic issues. Non-academic issues
will be determined by the voting faculty.
1.a.2. Amendment of the Charter
Any department faculty member or committee may propose amendments to the charter.
Proposed amendments will be circulated to the faculty before they are discussed at
a departmental meeting and at least ten days before they will be voted on. If major
amendments are completed, they shall be voted on by sections of the charter and not
the charter as a whole. Approval of an amendment requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority
of the voting faculty.
1.a.3. Voting procedures on Academic Issues
At least 2/3 of the voting members must be present, or cast an absentee ballot, in
order to hold a vote on academic issues. On all academic issues, a simple majority
vote of the voting members carries the motion. Voting members who are unable to vote
in person due to travel, sickness, or leave, will have the opportunity to vote in
abstentia. At the request of any voting member, the vote will be held by secret ballot,
ensuring anonymity.
1.a.4. Election of Senator and Alternate
The EF University Senator and Alternate assignment will be made through an election
by voting faculty. The election process is to occur as follows: a call for nominations
will take place two weeks prior to voting; close of nomination will take place one
week prior voting; elections will take place by secret ballot. The date of the election
will take place in accordance with university policy. Subsequent to the election of
the EF University Senator, the EF faculty will also elect an alternate senator to
help fulfill senate duties. The same election procedures will be used, with nominations
that are followed by secret ballot voting.
1.b.1. Updating the Charter to Assure Compliance
The charter will be reviewed annually by the department’s senator and senate alternate
to ensure compliance with current University policy. If non-compliance is identified
a review and update will occur. The charter will be amended and approved as described
1.b.2. Conflict with University Policies
If any event in which these precepts are in conflict with University policies and
procedures, the University policies and procedures shall take precedence.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
2.a.1. Unit Governance
Governance of this Department is the responsibility of the department chair, in consultation
with the faculty. The department chair will assign the standing committees using procedures
detailed in section 8 of this document. The committee membership will put forward
an elected chair to be approved and confirmed by the Department Chair. The associate
department chair(s) will be appointed by the department chair from the faculty. If
the position of department chair becomes vacant, the Dean will select one of the associate
department chair(s) to assume the responsibilities of the department chair until an
interim department chair is appointed. The department chair or designee will conduct
regular meetings with the faculty to maintain transparency.
2.a.2. Evaluation of Teaching
Teaching will be evaluated in accordance with Senate policy. Teaching evaluation will
consist of student evaluations (50% maximum) and other methods approved by the faculty.
2.a.3. Compensation
Salaries, wages, and distribution of merit pay are the responsibility of the chair.
2.a.4. Workload
The chair, in consultation with the associate chair(s), determines workload, including
teaching and committee assignments and other university and departmental responsibilities.
Teaching load will be balanced with other departmental responsibilities, research,
service and outreach.
The faculty teaching load will be based on contact hours; course level; course type
-laboratory, lecture, or recitation; number of students; number of course preparations.
Although final teaching schedules are assigned by the Chair, faculty input and preferences
will be requested each year and efforts will be made to accommodate the faculty requests
and needs. The Workload Committee will give input regarding teaching loads to the
Chair and Associate Chair.
Teaching workload assignments for the next academic year will be published in the
spring semester.
2.a.5. Fundraising, Development, and Outreach
The chair will take an active role in fundraising and other external relations.
2.a.6. Search Procedure for Department Chair
A search for a chair will be conducted according to current University Senate and
Human Resources policies (Senate Procedure 805.1.1). A search committee will comprise,
at a minimum, five (5) members: three (3) members from the Department of Engineering
Fundamentals, one (1) member external to the department, and one (1) member appointed
by the Dean.
2.a.7. Evaluation of the Department Chair
The department faculty will elect three faculty members to the evaluation committee.
An evaluation process which follows current procedures established by the University
Senate (Senate Procedure 506.1.1 and Senate Policy 710.1) and Human Resources will
be developed by the evaluation committee and approved by the voting faculty before
the formal evaluation commences. A survey will be distributed to staff and voting
faculty. The ballot will be distributed to voting faculty.
Reappointment and Promotion Guidelines
As part of one of the leading engineering colleges in the country, the faculty of
this department are encouraged to take an active role in scholarly development and
scholarly awareness regarding engineering and/or engineering education. Each faculty
member is expected to be engaged in professional development on a continuing basis.
The faculty will maintain a current understanding of new and innovative teaching and
learning methods. Active collaborative teaching styles are encouraged in all courses.
For search committee procedures on hiring new faculty and professional staff, see
section 8 of this document.
3.a. Tenure Track Faculty
3.a.1. Promotion and Tenure Committee
The Promotion and Tenure committee will consist of three tenured faculty members elected
by the voting faculty at the beginning of each academic year. If three tenured faculty
members are not available within the Department, tenured faculty members from another
department will be nominated and voted upon. Those elected by vote will be asked to
serve on the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee for that academic year. The
process will be repeated until the un-filled position(s) on the Promotion and Tenure
Committee is filled. The committee will select a Chair. The following procedures and
guidelines for promotion and tenure, as established by the faculty and maintained
by the Chair of the Promotion and Tenure committee, will be followed.
3.a.2. Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Each academic year, the committee will request that:
1. Submit their name to the Department Chair (approximately 2nd week in fall semester).
2. All non-tenured tenure track faculty complete and submit a form F.
3. Any tenured faculty member wishing to be considered for promotion complete and
submit a form F (approximately 8th week of fall semester).
4. All promotion/tenure candidates submit a list of at least four professional references
(approximately 8th week of fall semester).
After reviewing their forms F, the P&T committee meets with all untenured tenure-track
faculty to review with them their progress toward tenure. The P&T committee then prepares
a written report on each case to the chair with a copy to the faculty member.
The P&T committee meets with and reviews the forms F of all promotion/tenure candidates.
The committee then expresses its collective opinion through a vote on the viability
of the candidate’s case. Faculty with a non-mandatory promotion case that do not have
the support of a majority of the committee are informed of the committee’s position
and given the opportunity to withdraw. For the remaining candidates, a list of appropriate
references of at least four individuals is then prepared by the committee. The references
on both the candidate’s list and the committee’s list are then contacted asking if
they are willing to serve as a referee. Dossiers are sent to those that agree, following
university and college procedures. If at least four of the references selected do
not agree to participate, the committee will add additional names to its list.
After the letters are received, the committee meets and conducts a preliminary vote
and prepares a draft recommendation, which it then discusses with the department chair.
Following these discussions, the committee conducts a final vote and prepares its
recommendation, which includes the vote, and sends it along with the rest of the promotion
package, to the department chair by the beginning of spring semester.
The department chair then adds a personal recommendation for each candidate and forwards
the entire package to the Dean.
Copies of the committee’s and Chair’s recommendations are kept in each candidate’s
3.a.3. Reappointment to current rank
The underlying criterion for this category is “Likelihood of achieving tenure”. Evaluation
of scholarly performance in the first year will be largely based on submissions, both
for research proposals and publications. The new assistant professor should have or
at least be seeking graduate students to work with them on the research program they
are embarking on. As time goes on, it is imperative that the faculty member be on
a trajectory toward tenure, and be advised of their situation annually by both the
Promotion and Tenure Committee and the Department Chair.
3.a.4. Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor with Tenure
The underlying criterion for this category is “Sufficient promise of long term performance”
and “significant progress toward becoming nationally known by his/her peers”. This
requires a blend of performance in teaching, research, and service.
Research: The research activity should be such that it can reasonably be extrapolated to continual research throughout the faculty member’s career. This can be evidenced by the following: a) Research funding as principal investigator from two or more sources with continued funding from at least one source; b) Publication of research papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings; c) Presentation of research results at national and international conferences; and d) Successful guidance of M.S. and Ph.D. candidates to achieving their degrees.
Teaching: A successful candidate will demonstrate teaching activity that, as a minimum, can
be ranked as effective and competent, based on the department’s teaching evaluation
Service: A successful candidate will demonstrate professional service within and outside the university.
3.a.5. Promotion from Associate to Full Professor
The underlying criterion for this category is “Sufficient Evidence of Scholarly Achievements
and Professional Recognition” and “achievement of national/international recognition
by his/her professional peers”. This requires continuing performances in teaching
as described above, and an increase in both research and service. There should be
a continuing output of publications, with a significant number of journal publications
and a well funded research program supporting graduate students. In addition, a successful
candidate will have national or international recognition evidenced by leadership
services in professional society activities, conferences, journals, etc. Exceptional
achievements such as research awards, teaching awards, and patents will receive significant
3.b. Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF)
The requirements and definitions of non-tenure track faculty can be found in the Faculty
Handbook, section 1.5.5.
3.b.1. Promotion of NTTF Committee
The Promotion of NTTF Committee will consist of three faculty of higher rank than
the candidate’s current level, elected by the voting faculty. The committee will select
a Chair to be approved and confirmed by the Department Chair. If there are not sufficient
faculty of higher rank within the Department, the committee makeup can include outside-department
faculty. When this occurs, the EF faculty will make recommendations to the Dean of
the College of Engineering for the outside-department members needed for this committee,
and the Dean will appoint such members (having sufficient rank). If members outside
EF are on the committee, the committee must have a minimum of two of the highest-ranking
EF faculty; one will serve as Committee Chair. The following procedures and guidelines
for promotion, as established by the faculty and maintained by the Chair of the Promotion
of NTTF Committee, will be followed.
3.b.2. Promotion of NTTF Procedures
Each academic year, faculty interested in being considered for promotion will:
1. Submit their name to the Department Chair (approximately 2nd week in fall semester).
2. Submit all the required materials (approximately 8th week of fall semester).
The Promotion of NTTF committee meets and reviews the forms F and required materials
of all promotion candidates. The committee conducts a vote and prepares its recommendation,
which includes the vote, and sends it along with the rest of the promotion package,
to the department chair by the beginning of spring semester.
The department chair then adds a personal recommendation for each candidate and forwards
the entire package to the Dean.
Copies of the committee’s and Chair’s recommendations are kept in each candidate’s
3.b.3. Reappointment to current rank
Faculty who hold a Lecturer position have a two-year rolling appointment. Faculty
who hold a Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer, or Professor of Practice position
have a continuous appointment. In accordance with University policy, the Chair will
annually complete a Form E teaching evaluation for each faculty member. In addition,
and also in accordance with University policy, the Chair will annually prepare an
NTT Faculty Review Recommendation Form L for faculty who hold a Lecturer position.
In completing the Form L, the Department Chair may solicit comments from all faculty
and staff in order to assess an individual's performance. All review and evaluation
materials are confidential.
3.b.4. Criteria for Continued Appointment as Lecturer
• Demonstrate continued quality teaching.
• Maintain effective participation in department and university service.
o Lecturers during their first two years (initial appointment) will have limited committee
assignments to allow them to develop their teaching and research interests. Instructors’
primary focus is teaching and therefore will have no or limited service assignments.
3.b.5. Criteria for Promotion to Senior and Principal Lecturer
3.b.5.a. Promotion from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer
A lecturer may be considered for promotion to senior lecturer generally after six
years of employment at the University. A senior lecturer will have more experience
in the classroom than a lecturer and have significant scholarly or professional activities
beyond those at the lecturer level.
In addition to the expectations for lecturers, a senior lecturer is expected to have:
• Demonstrated excellence in teaching and leadership in education.
• Developed new courses, teaching methods and/or procedures that have substantial
impact within the department and across the University.
3.b.5.b. Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer
The position of principal lecturer is a continuing appointment.
In addition to the expectations for lecturers and senior lecturers, a principal lecturer
is expected to have:
• Demonstrated exceptional achievements in teaching and education, either by fundamental
contributions to the University's mission or by broad national or international impact.
4. Staff and Other Non-Tenured/Tenure-Track Members Governance
Staff includes the regular professional and clerical members of the Department. Staff
may vote on non-academic issues. Non-academic issues will be determined by the voting
faculty. Staff will also be surveyed for evaluation of the Chair. Other non tenure-track
and tenure-track faculty, defined as adjuncts, instructors, visiting and temporary
faculty are not eligible to vote.
5. Sabbatical Leave Recommendations
A faculty member who wishes to take a sabbatical must apply for the sabbatical using
the procedures described in the Michigan Tech Faculty Handbook and Senate policy.
The Chair will solicit the advice of the chairs of standing committees and other appropriate
6. Emeritus/Emerita Recommendations
The Promotion and Tenure Committee or Promotion of NTTF Committee shall make recommendations
to the Chair for faculty who are eligible for Emeritus/Emerita status. Upon approval
by the Chair, the recommendation will be sent to the President.
7. Grievance Procedure
The departmental Grievance Committee will follow the University grievance policy and
procedures (Section 8.1 of the Michigan Tech Faculty Handbook). All grievances that
cannot be resolved through private and/or public discussion within the Department
will be filed with the Chair. In the case that the grievance concerns the Chair, the
grievance will be filed with the Dean. The Chair or the Dean will then request that
an ad hoc Grievance Committee be formed. The Chair or the Dean will pass the written
grievance to the Grievance Committee.
The Grievance Committee will be comprised of three faculty members of the department
elected by the department faculty by secret ballot. A representative from Human Recourses
will also serve on the committee, consistent with University Senate policy. The chair
of this committee will be chosen by committee members. The Chair is not eligible for
membership on this committee. In the event that recusals cause participating committee
membership to drop below three, additional member(s) will be appointed by the Dean
for the College of Engineering to stand in for the recused members.
8. Committees
The committees, described below, shall generally consist of three (3) to five (5)
members, except where stated otherwise. The seats of standing committees will be filled
on a volunteer basis in so far as that is possible and in so far as the voluntary
members are each approved and confirmed by the Department Chair. Each committee will
elect a Committee Chair to be approved and confirmed by the Department Chair with
the exception of the Chair Review and Grievance Committees. The Committee Chair will
convene committee meetings, will see that the committee attends to its charge and
does so in a timely manner, and will interact in an official capacity with the department,
college, and university on behalf of the committee. To ensure efficient functioning
of the committee, some members should remain on the committee from one year to the
next. Membership and leadership of committees will rotate regularly.
Committee appointments will be published at the beginning of the academic year.
8.a. First-Year Engineering Curriculum and Program Committee
This committee assesses, reviews, and makes recommendations on the departmental courses,
curricula, annual events, policies, and efforts that compose the CoE First-Year Engineering
Program that is administered by the Department.
The Committee will report to the Department on assessment of the fall semester courses
at the subsequent mid-spring, and on the spring semester courses at the subsequent
8.b. Bachelor of Science in Engineering Curriculum Committee
This committee assesses, reviews, and makes recommendations on the courses, curricula,
and policies that compose the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. This Committee
shall include the Department Academic Advisor as a voting member and the Department
Chair as an ex officio (non-voting) member.
8.c. Ad Hoc Committees
At times it will be necessary to establish ad hoc committees to perform relatively
short term tasks (see examples of ad hoc committees below). Ad hoc committees normally
should not be in existence for more than two years. If the charge task is likely to
take longer than two years, that task should be delegated to a standing committee.
The Department Chair will officially charge the committee. When the committee charge
has been accomplished, the Department Chair will adjourn the committee.
• Chair Review Committee - The committee will follow guidelines detailed in section
2.a.7 of this document.
• Grievance Committee - The committee will follow procedures detailed in section 7
of this document.
• Promotion and Tenure Committee - This committee will be established as a standing
committee when the department gains faculty in tenure track positions. The committee
will follow guidelines detailed in section
3.a of this document.
• Promotion of NTTF Committee - The committee will follow guidelines detailed in section
3.b of this document.
• Search Committee - The hiring procedure for chair, new faculty, or professional
staff will follow Human Resources guidelines. The search committee will provide all
faculty with a list of acceptable/unacceptable interviewing practices. The search
committee, with input from the faculty, will make ranked recommendations to the chair/dean.
• Workload Committee - This committee convenes every three years to provide input
on faculty workload to the Chair and Associate Chair.