Proposal 60-20


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 60-20

"EMERGENCY PROPOSAL: Amendment to Graduate Scholastic Standards (Senate Policy 418.1)"

Carlos Amador

Pushpalatha Murthy, on behalf of the Graduate School

The Graduate School recognizes the additional stressors that graduate students are under due to disruptions caused by COVID-19 are many and may be strong contributors to their ability to earn grades of “B” or better toward their degrees in spring 2020. Graduate students have the additional stresses of performing research, teaching online classes, balancing full-time jobs, caring for children, and caring for families across the world. To alleviate these stresses, the Graduate School proposes allowing a limited number of pass grades from spring 2020 to be used toward their degree completion. The Graduate School currently allows programs the discretion to use up to six credits of BC or C grades to count toward degree completion. Since an SCV grade is only granted for academic work of C or better, this change does not alter the academic standards in place, but allows additional flexibility for graduate students. This flexibility is particularly important for graduate students completing a degree in spring 2020, as a “C” grade could cause their GPA to drop below 3.0. By allowing a “pass” grade to be counted toward their degree, graduate students have the ability to complete their degrees in a timely manner.

This proposal will also positively impact undergraduate students who enrolled in classes using the Senior Rule option or who have been accepted to accelerated master’s programs.

It is proposed to adopt the policy as described.

Recommended text
To change in the “Requirements” section of Policy 418.1 (changed text underlined in red):

Must have a grade of “B” or better. This requirement can be adjusted at the discretion of a student's graduate program to allow for use of BC, C, or SCV grades in up to six (6) credits. At the discretion of the graduate program, an additional three (3) credits of SCV may be allowed to count toward degree requirements.

Current policy
Must have a grade of “B” or better. This requirement can be adjusted at the discretion of a student's graduate program to allow for use of “BC/C” grades in up to six (6) credits.

April 22, 2020