Proposal 29-21


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 29-21
(Voting Units: Academic)

“Special Considerations for Election Days: Scheduling of Examinations, Homework, Projects, Papers, Presentations, Quizzes, Major Assignments, and Mandatory Attendance”

Introduced by Stefani Vargas Krause, University Senator on behalf of the Undergraduate Student Government

I. Introduction
For the purpose of this proposal, the first Tuesday after November 1 on any even-numbered year (November 3 in the year 2020) shall be referred to as “Election Day”. To better support the students and their right to vote in this and future elections we recommend that faculty adjust the schedule of their courses on Election Day.

II. Rationale
Student’s who are citizens of the United States seek to participate in their civic duty and vote. Voting is often time consuming and this is particularly true with special considerations due to social distancing and other COVID19 health and safety precautions. Election Day is not a holiday in the State of Michigan and therefore many students who work are not allowed time off to vote and students do not have a release from class time to cast their votes.

With this in mind, the university should seek to assist students in participating in their civic duty on Election Day. This can be accomplished by freeing students from the time commitment required by their coursework and/or class time on Election Day.

USG RESOLUTION NO. 2020-2021, #001, urging the University Senate of Michigan Technological University to take action to this effect, was adopted by the Undergraduate Student Government at Michigan Technological University on October 7, 2020.

III. Proposed Policy
Regular examinations, homework, projects, papers, presentations, quizzes, and other major assignments shall not be due on this, or future, Election Day(s). In addition, class attendance shall not be mandated or necessary to obtain any portion of a student’s grade in the course.

The terms “regular examinations, homework, projects, papers, presentations, quizzes, and other major assignments” are intended to encompass any type of coursework, the completion of which is necessary to obtain any portion of a student’s grade in the course.

October 14, 2020