Proposal 61-21


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

Proposed Updates for Senate Professional Staff Unit Designations

Proposal 61-21
(Voting Units: All)

Introduced by: Professional Staff Policy Committee

I. Introduction
The Professional Staff Policy Committee has completed an audit of professional staff units within the University and is proposing modifications to the existing structure of Senate Professional Staff Unit designations to reflect recent organizational changes.

II. Rationale
Since the last audit of Professional Staff Units (Proposal 8-20), there have been changes that necessitate an updating of unit designations. These changes include International Programs and Services now being housed in Student Affairs, and the creation of three new units, including the Office of Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, the Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology, and the Department of Applied Computing.

III. Proposal
Below are the affected Senate Professional Staff Units with the proposed designations highlighted. The Professional Staff Committee asks that these updates be approved by the Senate.

Academic Affairs B: Civil and Environmental Engineering; College of Engineering; Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences; Materials Science and Engineering; Michigan Tech Transportation Institute; Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Academic Affairs C: Cognitive and Learning Sciences; College of Sciences and Arts; College of Computing; Computer Science; Graduate School; Humanities; Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology; Mathematical Sciences; Physics; College of Business; College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science; Social Sciences; Visual and Performing Arts; Applied Computing.

Administration A: Associate Vice President for Administration; Budget and Planning; Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Administration; Financial Services and Operations; Human Resources; Institutional Research; Internal Audit; Vice President for Finance; Office of Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion.

Student Affairs: Academic and Community Conduct; Career Services; Center for Student Mental Health and Well-Being; Dean of Students Office; Institutional Equity and Inclusion; Residence Education and Housing Services; Student Leadership and Involvement; Student Affairs Information Services; Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success; International Programs and Services.

March 24, 2021