Terry S. Reynolds

- treynold@mtu.edu
- 870-639-1542
- Professor Emeritus
- PhD, University of Kansas
- MA, University of Kansas, 1968
- BS, Southern Arkansas University, 1966
Terry S. Reynolds is past chair of the Department of Social Sciences (1990-2002), past president of the Society for the History of Technology (1999-2000), and book review editor for IA: Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology. He has authored or edited eight books dealing with aspects of the history of technology, including Stronger Than a Hundred Men: A History of the Vertical Water Wheel and Iron Will: Cleveland-Cliffs and the Mining of Iron Ore, 1847-2006.
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- History of Iron Mining
- History of Water Power
- History of the Engineering Profession in America
- History of Technology