Adam M. Wellstead

—Sidney Verba
- Professor of Public Policy, Social Sciences
- PhD, Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, 2006
- MSc (Forestry), University of Toronto, 1996
- MA, Political Science, Dalhousie University, 1993
- BA (Hons), Economics and Political Science, 1991
I joined the Department of Social Sciences in 2011 after a 15 year career with Canadian federal government. My professional experiences will contribute to the research and teaching in the areas of public policy and public managements. My research interests include investigating multi-level governance arrangements in the natural resource sector, measuring policy capacity and evidence based policy-making, policy mechanisms, and theories of the policy process. I enjoy developing and conducting (primarily online) surveys, undertaking structural equation modeling using LISREL, and process tracing.
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Anglo-American policy advisory systems
- Governance and political mechanisms
- Survey research
- Policy process frameworks
Areas of Interest
- Energy policy
- Oil Sands Development
- Forest Policy
- Policy Innovation Labs
- Policy Design