Earn a Master's in One Year
In Environmental and Energy Policy, Sustainable Communities, or Industrial Heritage and Archaeology
Are you a highly motivated student? Then, jump-start your advanced education with an Accelerated MS Program in Social Sciences. This full-time, one-year master's program trains students with the skills to conduct and interpret social research.
Gain a competitive edge for a career in industry or pursue doctoral studies in social science; the Accelerated Master's puts you on the fast track.
Earn your master's with only one additional year of study beyond your bachelor's!
You're already in learning mode. This is the time.
$400,000More in average lifetime earnings over colleagues with only bachelor's degrees
17%Expected growth in master's level occupations through 2026
The Department of Social Sciences offers accelerated master's degrees in Environmental and Energy Policy, Sustainable Communities, or Industrial Heritage and Archaeology. Undergraduates at Michigan Tech are eligible to apply for these programs.