Recent Publications by Faculty
Kathy Halvorsen
- Halvorsen, K.E., C. Schelly, R. Handler, E.C. Pischke, and J.L. Knowlton (eds). 2019. A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Halvorsen, K.E., Jessie L. Knowlton, Robert M. Handler, Chelsea Schelly and Erin C. Pischke. ‘Integrating across sectors and disciplines: transdisciplinary teamwork challenges and strategies.’ 2019. In K.E. Halvorsen, C. Schelly, R. Handler, E.C. Pischke, and J.L. Knowlton (eds). A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Dunn, J.L, Jessie L. Knowlton, Robert M. Handler, Erin C. Pischke, K. E. Halvorsen, M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado, Theresa L. Selfa, David J. Flaspohler, Julian Licata, Ena E. Mata-Zayas, Rodrigo Medeiros, Cassandra Moseley, Erik A. Nielsen, Valentin D Picasso Risso, Julio C. Sacramento-Rivero, Tatiana de Souza, Cesar J. Vazquez Navarrete and Nathan Basiliko. 2019. ‘Lessons from the transdisciplinary, international BIOPIRE project.’ In K.E. Halvorsen, C. Schelly, R. Handler, E.C. Pischke, and J.L. Knowlton (eds). A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Pischke, E.C., M. A. Mesa-Jurado, A. Eastmond, J. Abrams, K. E. Halvorsen. Community Perceptions of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies in Tabasco, Mexico. 2018. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 8(4)441-451. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-018-0493-6.
- Kozich, A.T., K.E. Halvorsen, and A.S. Mayer. 2018. Perspectives on Water Resources among Anishinaabe and Non-Native Residents of the Great Lakes Region. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 163(April)94-108.
Angie Carter (she/her)
- Wellstead, A., S. M. Mechling, A. Carter, and A. Gofan. 2024. Artificial intelligence possibilities to improve analytical policy capacity: the case of environmental policy innovation labs and sustainable development goals. Policy Design and Practice.
- Lu, H. and A. Carter. 2024. Social determinants of rural food security: Findings from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Journal of Rural Studies. Online first.
- Carter, A. and G. Roesch-McNally (equal authorship). 2024. Gender, Land, and Agricultural Sustainability: Working Toward Greater Intersectionality for Equity, Inclusion, and Justice. Ch. 10 in Opening Windows: Emerging Perspectives, Practices, and Opportunities in Natural Resource Social Sciences, Kate Sherran, Gladman Thondhlana, and Douglas Jackson-Smith, eds. University Press of Colorado, Utah State University Press.
- Beaudoin, S., Bal, T.L., and A. Carter. 2024. Berries without Bugs: Recreational Foraging and a Fruit Fly Threat in Rural Michigan. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism. 10.3727/216929722X16354101932429
- Wellstead, A., R. Schmidt, A. Carter, and A. Gofan. 2024. New avenues for public value management and the role of nonprofit policy innovation labs: co-experience and social media. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 15(1). DOI:
- Nichols, C. and A. Carter. 2023. It doesn't bother me: an intersectional analysis of discrimination among white women farmers in the US Corn Belt. Journal of Rural Studies.
- Carter, A. and R. Christoffel. 2023. Supporting Women Landowners in Wetland Conservation. Society & Natural Resources 36(3): 250-258. 10.1080/08941920.2022.2158255
- Thompson, D. and A. Carter. 2022. Intersections Between Rural Studies and Food Justice in the U.S.: Some Implications for Today and the Future. Food, Culture & Society. 10.1080/15528014.2022.2138319
- Lu, H. and A. Carter. 2022. Emergent regional collaborative governance in rural local food systems development. Community Development. 10.1080/15575330.2022.2135550
- Carter, A. and R. Christoffel. 2022. Social Networks as Conservation Practice: Targeting Wetland Conservation for Women Landowners. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 77(5):69A-74A. doi:10.2489/jswc.2022.0614A
- Carter, A. 2022. Cultivating Community Resilience: Working in Solidarity in and Beyond Crisis. Gender, Food and Agriculture During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Paige Castellanos, Carolyn Sachs, Ann Tickamyer, eds. Routledge.
- Carter, Angie. 2021. Tributaries: On Thinking Downstream. Compelling Ground: Landscapes, Environments, and Peoples of Iowa. Iowa State University Brunnier Art Museum.
- Wellstead, A., A. Gofen & A. Carter. 2021. Policy innovation lab scholarship: past, present, and the future Introduction to the special issue on policy innovation labs. Policy Design and Practice DOI: 10.1080/25741292.2021.1940700
- Basche, A. and A. Carter. 2021. Training future agricultural professionals in landowner-tenant conservation decision-making. Natural Sciences Education 50(1)
- Burkett, E. and A. Carter. 2020. "It's Not about the Fish: Women's Experiences in a Gendered Recreation Landscape. Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1780522
- Carter, A. 2020. Women’s farm organizations in the United States: Protecting and transforming agricultural power. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture, 275-286.
- Carter, A. and A. Lazaro Lopez. 2019. "Rebranding the Farmer: Formula Story Revision and Masculine Symbolic Boundaries in US Agriculture." Feminist Formations 31:3: 25-50. DOI: 10.1353/ff.2019.0029
- Carter, A. and A. Kruzic. 2019. "'No Soil in Our Oil!": Shifting Narratives from Commodities to the Commons." in Social Movements Contesting Natural Development. John Devlin, Ed. New York: Routledge.
- Carter, A. 2019. "We Don't Equal Even Just One Man": Gender and Social Control in Conservation Adoption." Society & Natural Resources 32(8): 893-910. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1584657
- Carter, A., B. Wells, and A. Kruzic. 2019. "Social Justice, Corporate Influence, and Development: Defending the Public Interest at a State University." Theory in Action 12(1): 54-85. DOI:10.3798/tia.1937-0237.1902
- Carter, A., C. Chennault, and A. Kruzic. 2018. "Public Action for Public Science: Re-Imagining the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture." Capitalism Nature Socialism 29(1): 69-88. DOI:10.1080/10455752.2017.1423364
- Carter, A. and A. Kruzic. 2017. "Centering the Commons, Creating Space for the Collective: Ecofeminist #NoDAPL Praxis in Iowa." Journal of Social Justice 7:2-22. ISSN: 2064-7100.
- Carter, A. 2017. "Placeholders and Changemakers: Women Farmland Owners Navigating Gendered Expectations." Rural Sociology 82(3): 499-523. DOI:10.1111/ruso.12131
- Carter, A. 2017. "Changes on the Land: Gender and Power of Social Networks." Pp. 76-93 in Land Justice: Re-Imagining Land, Food and the Commons in the United States. Eric Holt-Gimenez and Justine Williams, eds. Oakland: Food First.
- Carter, A., B. Wells, J. Soulis, and A. Hand. 2016. "Building Power Through Community: Women Creating and Theorizing Change." Pp. 225-239 in Women in Agriculture Worldwide: Key Issues and Practical Approaches. Amber J. Fletcher and Wendee Kubik, eds. New York: Routledge.
- Carter, A., C. M. Prado-Meza, J. Soulis, and D. Thompson Bello. 2014. "Students Creating Curriculum Change: Sustainable Agriculture and Social Justice." Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 3(1):article 5. DOI:10.31274/jctp-180810-27.
Kari B. Henquinet
- Henquinet Kari B. (2024) “Bori Religion in West Africa.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press, 2016—. Article published March 20, 2024. Pp. 1-32. doi:
- Thole, Heather R., Kari B. Henquinet, and Greg P. Waite. (2024) Community-based Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessment in Rural Jamaica. Environmental Hazards 23(1): 72-91, DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2023.2220949
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2023) Missionary, Citizen, and Consumer: Evangelical American Child Sponsorship and Humanitarian Marketing in the 1950s and 1960s. Economic Anthropology 10(1): 8-18.
- Larson, Jonathan and Kari B. Henquinet. (2022) Crafting International Education from the Middle. Trends and Insights. March.
- Gierke, John S., Luke J. Bowman, Emily Clark; Kari B. Henquinet, and Angie Carter. (2021) Equity in Designing a Summer International Research Experience: Recruitment and Partnerships for a Graduate Field School in El Salvador. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021, pp. 847-85.
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2020). Time, (Com)passion, and Ethical Self-formation in Evangelical Humanitarianism. For theme issue "Anthropology of Ethics as a Frame for Ethical Self-Making in Social Justice and Humanitarianism" in the Journal of Religious Ethics 48(4). DOI: 10.1111/jore.12334
Fiss, Laura Kasson Lorelle A. Meadows, Mary Raber, Kari B. Henquinet, and Richard Berkey. (2019) An Educational Framework to Promote Self-Authorship in Engineering Undergraduates, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference Proceeding.
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2018) American World Visions of Vulnerability: the Sacred, the Secular, and Roots of Evangelical American Aid. Research in Economic Anthropology 38: 199-222. Read more
- Baziari, Fahimeh M; Kari B Henquinet; Molly A Cavaleri (2017). Understanding Farmers' Perceptions and the Effects of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) Tree Distribution in Agroforestry Parklands in the Upper West Region, Ghana. Agroforestry Systems 1-14. Read More
Henquinet, Kari B. (2017). Book review of AIDS and Masculinity in the African City: Privilege, Inequality, and Modern Manhood. Robert Wyrod. Oakland: University of California Press, 2016. American Ethnologist 44(4):713-714.
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2017). Women’s Rights and Transnational Aid Programs in Niger: The Conundrums and Possibilities of Neoliberalism and Legal Pluralism. In Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism. Eva Brems, Giselle Corradi and Mark Goodale, eds. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Read More
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2016) Production of Knowledge: International Development Agencies: Sahelian West Africa. In Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Suad Joseph, ed. Leiden: Brill. Read More
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2016). Cultivating Empathy in University-Peace Corps Partnerships. International Educator (Jan/Feb). Read More.
- Henquinet, Kari. (2016). Humanitarian Engineering. Michigan Tech Magazine 53(1):12-13. Read More
Henquinet, Kari B. (2018). The Karamoja Balance: Where wives plant crops and husbands learn nutrition. Worldview Magazine, Spring Issue.
- Bowman, Luke J. and Kari B. Henquinet. (2015). Disaster risk reduction at San Vicente (Chinchontepec) Volcano, El Salvador: toward understanding social and geophysical vulnerability. Journal of Applied Volcanology 4(14):1-18. Read More
- Henquinet, Kari B. (2014). “Reformulating Participation in Nigerien Development Programs: An Examination of Conflicting Messages Concerning Gender and Class.” In Beyond The Boundaries: Toyin Falola and the Art Of Genre-Bending. Nana Amponsah, ed. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. Read More
- Henquinet, Kari Bergstrom. (2013). “Translating Women's Rights in Niger: What Happened to the ‘Radical Challenge to Patriarchy?’” In Worlds of Human Rights: The Ambiguities of Rights Claiming in Africa. Bill Derman, Anne Hellum, and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik, eds. Leiden: Brill. Read More
- Henquinet, Kari Bergstrom. (2007). “The Rise of Wife Seclusion in Rural South-Central Niger.” Ethnology 46(1):57-80.
- Bergstrom, Kari. (2002). “Legacies of Colonialism and Islam for Hausa Women: An Historical Analysis, 1804 to 1960.” WID Working Paper 276. East Lansing, MI: Women and International Development, Michigan State University. Read More
Kelly Kamm
- Parveen S, Nasreen S, Allen JV, Kamm KB, Khan S, Akter S, Lopa TM, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP, Ram PK. Barriers to and motivators of handwashing behavior among mothers of neonates in rural Bangladesh. BMC Public Health 2018; 18(1): 483.
- Ram PK, Nasreen S, Kamm K, Allen J, Kumar S, Rahman MA, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP. Impact of an intensive perinatal handwashing promotion intervention on maternal handwashing behavior in the neonatal period: findings from a randomized controlled trial in rural Bangladesh. BioMed Res Intl 2017;2017:6081470.
Kamm KB, Vujcic J, Nasreen S, Luby SP, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Ram PK. Is pregnancy a teachable moment to promote handwashing with soap among primiparous women in rural Bangladesh? Follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Trop Med Int Health 2016 Dec; 21(12):1562-1571.
- Parveen S, Nasreen S, Allen JV, Kamm KB, Khan S, Akter S, Lopa TM, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP, Ram PK. Barriers to and motivators of handwashing behavior among mothers of neonates in rural Bangladesh. BMC Public Health 2018; 18(1): 483.
- Ram PK, Nasreen S, Kamm K, Allen J, Kumar S, Rahman MA, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP. Impact of an intensive perinatal handwashing promotion intervention on maternal handwashing behavior in the neonatal period: findings from a randomized controlled trial in rural Bangladesh. BioMed Res Intl 2017;2017:6081470.
- Kamm KB, Crabtree-Ide C, Thomas A, Ram PK. Evaluation of the SOPO School Handwashing Promotion Programme: Nyanza and Rift Valley Provinces, Kenya. Nairobi, Eastern and Southern Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Learning Series. Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF-Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office; Feb 2015.
- Kamm KB, Feikin DR, Bigogo GM, Aol G, Audi A, Cohen AL, Shah M, Yu J, Breiman RF, Ram PK. Associations with handwashing in the home and respiratory and diarrheal illness in children under five years old in rural western Kenya. Trop Med Int Health 2014 Apr; 19(4):398-406.
Don Lafreniere
- Stone, T., Trepal, D., Lafreniere, D., and Sadler, R. 2023. Built and Social Indicies for Hazards in Children's Environments. Health and Place, Vol. 83.
- Stone, T., Lafreniere, D., and Hildebrandt, R. 2022. Deep Mapping the Daily Spaces of Children and Youth in the Industrial City. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 55, no. 4: 209-227.
- Lafreniere, D., Stone, T., Hildebrandt, R., Sadler, R., Madison, M., Trepal, D., Spikberg, G., and Juip, J. 2021. Schools as Vectors of Infectious Disease Transmission during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, Vol. 56, no. 1: 51-63.
- Walling, D., Sadler, R., and Lafreniere, D. 2021. Lessons from U.S. Rust Belt Cities for Equitable Low-Growth Futures. Urban Research & Practice, Vol. 14, no. 4: 471-482.
- Trepal, D. Lafreniere, D., and Stone, T. 2021. Mapping Historical Archaeology and Industrial Heritage: The Historical Spatial Data Infrastructure. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, Vol. 3, no. 1: 202-213.
- Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. "Revisiting the Walking City: A Geospatial Examination of the Journey to Work" in Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, and Ferenc Gyuris eds., Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 85-112.
- Trepal, D., Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. Historical Spatial-Data Infrastructures for Archaeology: Towards a Spatiotemporal Big-Data Approach to Studying the Postindustrial City. Historical Archaeology, Vol. 54, no. 2: 424-452.
- Lafreniere. D., Weidner, L., Trepal, D., Scarlett, S., Arnold, J., Pastel, R., and Williams, R. 2019. Public Participatory Historical GIS. Historical Methods: Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 52, no. 3: 132-149.
- Trepal, D., and Lafreniere, D. 2019. Understanding Cumulative Hazards in a Rustbelt City: Integrating GIS, Archaeology, and Spatial History. Urban Science, Vol. 3, no. 3: article 83.
- Scarlett, S., Lafreniere, D., Trepal, D., Arnold, J., and Xie, Y. 2019. Out of the Classroom and Into History: Mobile Historical GIS and Community-Engaged Teaching. The History Teacher, Vol. 53, no. 1: 11-35.
- Trepal, D., Scarlett, S., and Lafreniere, D. 2019. Heritage Making through Community Archaeology and the Spatial Humanities. Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, Vol. 6, no. 4: 238-256.
- Southall, H., and Lafreniere, D. 2019. Working with the Public in Historical Data Creation. Historical Methods: Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 52, no. 3: 129-131.
- Scarlett, S., Lafreniere, D., Trepal, D., Arnold, J., and Pastel, R. 2018. Engaging Community and Spatial Humanities for Postindustrial Heritage: The Keweenaw Time Traveler. American Quarterly, Vol. 70, no. 3: 619-623.
- Gregory, I., Debats, D., and Lafreniere, D., eds. 2018. The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, ISBN: 978-1138860148
- Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2018. Following Workers of the Industrial City across a Decade: Residential, Occupational, and Workplace Mobilities from 1881-1891 in Ian Gregory, Don Debats, and Don Lafreniere, eds., The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, 299-319.
- Arnold, J., and Lafreniere, D. 2018 Creating a Longitudinal, Data-Driven 3D Model of Change Over Time in a Postindustrial Landscape Using GIS and CityEngine. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, no. 4
- Lutz, J., Lafreniere, D., Harvey, M., Dunae, P., Gilliland, J. 2018 "'A City of White Race Occupies its Place' Kanaka Row, Chinatown, and the Indian Quarter in Victorian Victoria" in Ian Gregory, Don Debats, and Don Lafreniere, eds., The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, 320-348.
- Baeten, J., Langston, N., and Lafreniere, D. 2018. A Spatial Evaluation of Historic Iron Mining Impacts on Current Impaired Waters in Lake Superior's Mesabi Range. AMBIO- Journal of the Human Environment, Vol. 47, no. 2: 231-244.
- Arnold, J., and Lafreniere, D. 2018. The Persistence of Time: Vernacular Preservation of the Postindustrial Landscape. Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, Vol. 7, no. 2: 114-133.
- Sadler. R, and Lafreniere D. 2017. You are where you live: Methodological Challenges to Measuring Children’s Exposure to Hazards. Journal of Children and Poverty, Vol. 23, no. 2: 189-198.
- Sadler. R, and Lafreniere, D. 2017. Racist Housing Practices as a Precursor to Uneven Neighborhood Change in a Post-Industrial City. Housing Studies, Vol. 32, no. 2: 186-208
- Baeten. J, Langston, N, and Lafreniere, D. 2016. A Geospatial Approach to Uncovering the Hidden Waste Footprint of Lake Superior's Mesabi Iron Range. The Extractive Industries and Society, Vol. 3, no. 4: 1031-1045
- Van Allen, N. and Lafreniere, D. 2016 Rebuilding the Landscape of the Rural Post Office: A Geospatial Analysis of 19th Century Postal Space and Networks. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, Vol. 3, no. 1: 2, 1-19
- Oiamo, T., Lafreniere, D., and Parr, J. 2016 “The Making of a Key North American Environment of Mobility: the Windsor-Detroit Borderland.” In Colin Coates, Jay Young, and Ben Bradley, eds., Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 175-198
- Lafreniere, D. and Gilliland, J. 2015. All the World's a Stage: A GIS Framework for Recreating Personal Time-Space from Qualitative and Quantitative Sources. Transactions in GIS, Vol. 19, no. 2: 225-246.
- Dunae, P., Lafreniere, D., Gilliland, J., and Lutz, J. 2013. Dwelling Places, Social Spaces: Revealing the Environments of Urban Workers in Victoria using Historical GIS. Labour/Le Travail, Vol. 72: 37-73.
- Ridge, M., Lafreniere, D., and Nesbit, S. 2013. Creating Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives through Design. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Vol. 7: 176-189.
- Lutz, J., Dunae, P., Gilliland, J., Lafreniere, D., and Harvey, M. 2013. “Turning Space Inside Out: Spatial History and Race in Victorian Victoria.” In Jennifer Bonnell and Marcel Fortin, eds., Historical GIS Research in Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1-26.
- Dunae, P., Lutz, J., Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2011. Making the Inscrutable, Scrutable: Race and Space in Victoria’s Chinatown, 1891. B.C. Studies, no. 169: 51-80.
- Lafreniere, D., and Rivet, D. 2010. Rescaling the Past through Mosaic Historical Cartography. Journal of Maps, Vol. 6, no. 1: 417-422.
Nancy Langston
- Langston, N. 2021. Climate Ghosts: Restoring Migratory Species in the Anthropocene. Brandeis University Press.
- Langston, N. and K. Brosemer. 2022 (27: 2). Loons and the risk of extinction in a warming world." Environmental History 340-348.
- SV Nguyen, N Langston, A Wellstead, M Howlett. 2020. Mining the evidence: Public comments and evidence-based policymaking in the controversial Minnesota PolyMet mining project, Resources Policy 69, 101842
- Langston, N. 2019. “Environment and sustainability in mining.” Chapter for Environment and Sustainability in a Globalizing World, Ed. A. Nightingale and T Bohler, Routledge.
- Baeten, J. P., Langston, N., Lafreniere, D. J. 2018. “A Spatial Evaluation of Historic Iron Mining Impacts on Current Impaired Waters in Lake Superior's Mesabi Range.” Ambio 47 (2): 231-244.
- Langston, N. and K. Christen. 2019. Conservation policies threaten Indigenous reindeer herders in Mongolia. The Conversation, Oct. 10, 2019.
- Langston, N. 2019. “Closing nuclear plants will increase climate risks.” NICHE: The Otther, Jan. 30, 2019. Co-published with and
- Langston, N. 2019. “Will woodland caribou survive in the Lake Superior basin?” Agate Magazine Jan. 14, 2019.
- Langston, N. 2018. “Are woodland caribou doomed by climate change?” Historical Climatology July 26, 2018.
- Langston, N. 2018 “The Syllabus Project: Diversifying the Environmental History Syllabus.” NICHE: The Otter. July 5, 2018.
- Langston. N. 2017 Sustaining Lake Superior: An Extraordinary Lake in a Changing World. Yale U. Press. Paperback March 2019.
- Langston, N. 2017 “Iron Mines, Toxicity, and Indigenous Communities in the Lake Superior Basin,” pp. 313-338 in Mining North America, eds. G. Vrtis and J. McNeil, U of CA Press.
- Langston, N. 2017. “Resiliency and Collapse: Lake Trout, Sea Lamprey, and Fisheries Management in Lake Superior.” Pp. 239-262 in Lynne Heasley and Daniel Macfarlane, eds Border Flows: A Century of Canadian-American Water Relations, U. Calgary Press.
- John Baeten, Nancy Langston, and Don Lafreniere. 2016. “A geospatial approach to uncovering the hidden waste footprint of Lake Superior’s Mesabi Iron Range.” The Extractive Industries and Society 3(4): 1031-1045.
- Thistle, J. and N. Langston. 2016. “Entangled histories: Iron ore mining in Canada and the United States.” TheExtractive Industries and Society 3(2): 269-277. 10.1016/j.exis.2015.06.00 Read More
- Mårald, E., N. Langston, A. Stens, and J. Moen. 2015. “Changing ideas in forestry: a comparison of concepts in Swedish and American forestry journals during the early 20th and 21st centuries.” Ambio. Read More
- Steen-Adams, M. M., Langston, N., Adams, M. D., & Mladenoff, D. J. 2015. “Historical framework to explain long-term coupled human and natural system feedbacks: application to a multiple-ownership forest landscape in the northern Great Lakes region, USA.” Ecology and Society, 20(1). Read More
- Nancy Langston. 2013. Mining the Boreal North. American Scientist. April
- Nancy Langston. 2010. Toxic Bodies: Hormone Disruptors and the Legacy of DES. New Haven: Yale University Press. Read More
- Langston, N. 2015. “Thinking Like A Microbe: Borders and Environmental History.” Canadian Historical Review. 95(4): 592-603 Read More
- Michelle Steen-Adams, David J. Mladenoff, Nancy E. Langston, Feng Liu, and Jun Zhu. 2011. “Influence of Biophysical Factors and Differences in Ojibwe Reservation Versus Euro-American Social Histories on Forest Landscape Change in Northern Wisconsin, USA.” Landscape Ecology 26 (8) (August 21): 1165-1178. Read More
- Michelle Steen-Adams, N. Langston, and D. J. Mladenoff. 2010. “Logging the Great Lakes Indian Reservations: The Case of the Bad River Band of Ojibwe.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 34: 41-66. Read More
Mark Alan Rhodes II
- Rhodes, M, W. Price, and A. Walker. 2021. Geographies of Post-Industrial Place, Memory, and Heritage. Routledge. ISBN: 9780367440909.
- Rhodes, M., Hannum, K., and Ketola, Z.* Accepted. Managing the Imagined Spatialities of Protected Sites: (Un)Bounding Industrial World Heritage via Mental Maps. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Special Issue on National Parks and Protected Places).
- Tennent, H.* and Rhodes, M. Accepted. “Demasiado Poco Homenaje”: The Eva Perón Tomato and Absence within Living Memorials. Lagoonscapes.
- Rhodes, M. and Hannum, K. Accepted. Amtrak’s Sustainable Futures: Slow Tourism and the Nationalization of Industrial Heritage. Material Culture 56 (2).
- Rhodes, M. and Bartoszek, J.* 2025. Memorial Entrepreneurship and the Political Economies of Food-Based Living Memory. Geographical Review 115 (1-2):138-154. DOI: 10.1080/00167428.2023.2283728.
- Rhodes, M., Hannum, K., Burnau, M.*, Denison, V.*, Louya, K.*, Maue, G.*, McRoberts, M.*, Miller, R.*, Murphy, D.*, O'Connor, A.*, Rigby, N.*, Roth, E.*, Schapman, A.*, Swigart, W.*, Taylor, E.*, Trevino, C.*, Vaught, J., and Vaught, R. 2024. Museums, national resources, and the broader economic impacts of National Museum Wales. Welsh Economic Review 30: 1-9. DOI:
- Rhodes, M. 2024. National Museum Wales and the scalar bureaucracies of institutional memory work. Political Geography 111. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2024.103094.
- Rhodes, M. and Hannum, K. 2024. Sustainability Pedagogy Aboard Amtrak: New Pathways of Transdisciplinary and Applied General Education. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 48 (5): 820-838. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2024.2333287.
- Rhodes, M. and Hannum, K. 2024. UNESCO, Mining Heritage, and the Scalar Sustainability of Tourism Geographies at industrial World Heritage Sites. Journal of Tourism Futures. DOI: 10.1108/JTF-10-2023-0235
- Rhodes, M. and W. Price. 2024. ‘A Nation Built on Coal’: Transcalar landscapes of memory work at the Big Pit National Coal Museum. Tourism Geographies 26 (5): 755-77. 10.1080/14616688.2023.2253793.
- Seitz, D., D. Cockayne, R. Good, K. Hannum, A. Kroepsch, M. Rhodes, J. Swab*, and N. Worth. 2024. Critical geographers teaching and working in STEM higher education: reckoning with the institution and learning from each other. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 48(3):501-17. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2023.2261863.
- Rhodes, M. and C. Keeve*. 2023. More-Than-Human Memory: The Political Ecologies of the Paul Robeson Tomato. Journal of Political Ecology 30(1):424-47.
- Rhodes, M. 2023. Transoptic Memorial Landscape Analysis: Multidimensional landscapes of a multinational Wales. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 24(2):1-21. DOI: 10.17169/fqs-24.2.3964.
- Post, C. and M. Rhodes. 2022. Decolonizing Memory Work? Textual Politics of Settler State Historical Markers Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Kansas. ACME 21(5):540-59.
- Price, W. and M. Rhodes. 2022. Coal Dust in the Wind: Interpreting the Industrial Past of South Wales. Tourism Geographies 24(4-5):837-58. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1801825.
- Rhodes, M., C. Quayle*, and N. Indish*. 2022. “Post-Industrial Barbarians”: Star Trek, the Other, and the Apocalypse. Literary Geographies 8(1):78-98.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. Cardiff and the Contentious Landscapes of Postindustrial, Urban, and Transnational Memory Work. Fennia: International Journal of Geography 199(2):203-25. DOI: 10.11143/fennia.113124.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. The Absent Presence of Paul Robeson in Wales: Appropriation and Philosophical Disconnects in the Memorial Landscape. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(3):763-79. DOI: 10.1111/tran.12442.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. The nation, the festival, and institutionalized memory: Transoptic landscapes of the Welsh National Eisteddfod. GeoHumanities 7(2):558-83 DOI: 10.1080/2373566X.2021.1903812.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. Dancing around the Subject: Memory Work of Museum Landscapes at the National Waterfront Museum. Professional Geographer 73(4):594-607. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2021.1915808.
- Rhodes, M. and C. Post. 2021. Refraining on Necropolitics: Lyrical Geographies of Labor Music. Journal of Cultural Geography 38(3):378-98. DOI: 10.1080/08873631.2021.1927322.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. Music Work: Geographies of traditional Cambodian music and state-building under the Khmer Rouge regime. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 62(1):27-39. DOI: 10.1111/apv.12261.
- Rhodes, M. 2020. Exhibiting Memory: Temporary, mobile, and participatory memorialization and the Let Paul Robeson Sing! exhibition. Memory Studies 13(6):1235-55. DOI: 10.1177/1750698018794771.
- Rhodes, M. 2020. Landscapes of Multicultural Memory and Heritage in Wales. Focus on Geography 63. DOI:10.21690/foge/2020.63.2p.
- Rhodes, M. 2019. Paul Robeson’s Place in YouTube: A social spatial network analysis of representation and audience engagement in digital heritage. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34 (1): 174-188. DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqy027
- Hannum, K. and M. Rhodes. 2018. Public art as public pedagogy: Memorial landscapes of the Cambodian genocide. Journal of Cultural Geography 35 (3): 334-361.
- Rhodes, M. 2017. Alternate Pasts, Presents, and Futures in Star Trek: Historical engagement and representation through popular culture. The Geographical Bulletin 58 (1): 29-39.
- Rhodes, M. 2016. Performing History: Remembering Paul Robeson and the Peekskill Riots though Tayo Aluko’s Call Mr. Robeson. Excellence in Performing Arts Research 3 (1): 1-17.
- Tyner, J., M. Rhodes, and S. Kimsroy. 2016. Music, Nature, Power, and Place: An Ecomusicology of Khmer Rouge Songs.GeoHumanities 2 (2): 395-412.
- Rhodes, M. 2016. Placing Paul Robeson in History: Understanding His Philosophical Framework. Journal of Black Studies 47 (3): 235-257.
Jonathan E. Robins
- "Picking Stories, Selling Chaga: How History Helped Make Chaga a Superfood." The Otter/La Loutre, September 2023
- Oil Palm: a Global History. University of North Carolina Press, 2021. Winner of the 2022 AHA Bentley Prize for best book in world history and 2022 Agricultural History Society Wallace Award for best book in agricultural history outside the US.
- "Shallow Roots: The Early Oil Palm Plantation Industry in Southeast Asia, 1848-1940." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 51, no. 4 (2020)
- "Humans and other pollinators in the oil palm plantation complex." Arcadia no. 8 (Spring 2021)
- "Oil Boom: agriculture, chemistry, and the rise of the global plant fats industry," Journal of World History 29.3 (2018)
- "Smallholders and machines in the West African oil palm industry," African Economic History 46.1 (2018)
- "Imbibing the lesson of defiance": Oil palms and alcohol in colonial Ghana, Environmental History 23.2 (2018)
- Cotton and Race across the Atlantic: Britain, Africa, and America, 1900-1920 (University of Rochester Press: Rochester, 2016) Read More
Sarah Fayen Scarlett
Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Company Suburbs: Architecture, Power, and the Transformation of Michigan's Mining Frontier (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2021).
- Mark Alan Rhodes II and Sarah Fayen Scarlett, "Post-Industrial Landscapes," Routledge Companion to the American Landscape, edited by Chris W. Post, Alyson L. Greiner, and Geoffrey L. Buckley (London: Routledge): chapter 27.
- Sarah Fayen Scarlett and Laura Walikainen Rouleau, "Object Lesson: Architecture at Pullman National Monument as Both Agent of Division and Collective Identity," Buildings & Landscapes 29 no. 2 (2022): 99-117.
- Don Lafreniere, Luke Weidner, Dan Trepal *, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, John D. M. Arnold*, Robert Pastel, and Ryan Williams, "Public Participatory Historical GIS." Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 52, no. 3 (2019): 132–149. DOI: 10.1080/01615440.2019.1567418
Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Don Lafreniere, Dan Trepal*, John Arnold*, Yichun Xie, "Out of the Classroom and Into History: Mobile Historical GIS and Community-Engaged Teaching," The History Teacher 53, no. 1 (November 2019): 11–35.
Dan Trepal*, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Don Lafreniere, "Heritage Making through Community Archaeology and the Spatial Humanities," Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 6, no. 4 (August 2019): 238–256. DOI: 10.1080/2051896.2019.1653516
Laura Rouleau, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Steven A. Walton, and Timothy Scarlett, "Historic Resource Study of Pullman National Monument, Illinois," Midwest Regional Office of the National Park Service (2019).
Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Don Lafreniere, John D. M. Arnold*, Daniel J. Trepal*, Robert Pastel "Engaging Community and Spatial Humanities for Post-Industrial Heritage: The Keweenaw Time Traveler," American Quarterly, Special Issue: Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice: American Studies and Digital Humanities 70, 3 (September 2018): 619–23. DOI: 10.1353/aq.2018.0043
- "Crossing the Milwaukee River: A Case Study in Mapping Mobility and Class Geographies," in Landscapes of Mobility: Culture, Politics, and Placemaking, edited by Arijit Sen and Jennifer Johung (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2013).
"The Cultural Landscapes of Mining in Southwestern Wisconsin," in From Mining to Farm Fields to Ethnic Communities: Buildings and Landscapes of Southwestern Wisconsin, edited by Anna Vemer Andrzejewski, Arnold R. Alanen, and Sarah Fayen Scarlett, 8–33 (Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Conference 2012. Madison: Department of Art History and Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2012). Online at:
- "The Craft of Industrial Patternmaking," The Journal of Modern Craft 4, 1 (March 2011): 27–48. DOI: 10.2752/174967811X12949160069018
"The Chinese Scholar Pattern: Style, Merchant Identity, and the English Imagination," Ceramics in America 2011, edited by Robert Hunter (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Chipstone Foundation, 2011), 1–45. Online at:,-Merchant-Identity,-and-the-English-Imagination
- "Tilt-Top Tables and Eighteenth-Century Consumerism," American Furniture 2003, edited by Luke Beckerdite (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Chipstone Foundation; Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 2003), 95–137. Online at:
Timothy J. Scarlett
- Rouleau, Laura, Steven Walton, Sarah Scarlett, and Timothy Scarlett. (2019). Historic Resources Study for Pullman National Monument, Chicago, IL. Midwest Archaeology Center, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. December 31, 2019.
- Strychar, Kevin, Frank Lupi, Steven Miller, John Baeten, David J Flaspohler, Sarah Green, Amanda Grimm, Latika Gupta, Kelly Kamm, Will Lytle, Guy Meadows, Daisuke Minakata, Amlan Mukherjee, Jill A Olin, Gordon Paterson, Mark Rouleau, Mir Sadri-Sabet, Timothy Scarlett, Chelsea Schelly, David Shonnard, Roman Sidortsov, Bethel Tarekegne, Stephen Techtmann, Adam Wellstead, and Pengfei Xue (2018). Independent Risk Analysis for the Straits Pipelines-Final Report. Project ID 1801011. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2017). A Dangerous Discipline: Practicing Historical Archaeology in the Mormon Domain. In Margaret Purser and Mark Warner (eds.), Historical Archaeology through a Western Lens, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy and Steven Walton. (2017). Archaeological Overview and Assessment, Pullman National Monument, Chicago, Illinois. Midwest Archaeology Center, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. June 9, 2017.
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2016). Potential Applications of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction and Impregnation for the Stabilization and Conservation of Industrial Heritage Artifacts. Final Project Report (Grant #P11AP60840) submitted to the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. January 15, 2016. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Amy M. Bastion, Leslie G. Cecil, Christopher W. Merritt, and Michael Glascock. (2015). A Muddy Study: Historical Archaeology and Archaeometry for Societies in Contact. In Jaume Buxeda I Garrigós, Marisol Madrid i Fernández, and dfff G. Iñañez (eds.), Global Pottery 1: Historical Archaeology and Archaeometry for Societies in Contact. British Archaeological Reports (BfgAR), International Series 2761, Archaeopress Press, Oxford, UK. pp. 397-409. Read More
- Zhao, Shan, Bowen, Patrick. K., Drelich, Jaroslaw., and Scarlett, Timothy James. (2015). Modeling “Reproducibility in Rehydroxylation of Ceramic Artifacts.” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98(10):3367–3372. Read More
- Bowen, P. K., Drelich, J. D., and Scarlett, T. J. (2013). Modeling Rehydration/Rehydroxylation Mass-Gain Curves for Davenport Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2013):1-7. Read More
- Drelich, Jaroslaw., Bowen, Patrick. K., and Scarlett, Timothy James. (2013). "Effect of Humidity Instability on Rehydroxylation in Fired Clay Ceramics" Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96(4):1047-1050. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James and Samuel Sweitz. (2012). Constructing new knowledge in Industrial Archaeology. In Harold Mytum (ed.), Global Perspectives on Archaeological Field Schools. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 119-145. Read More
- Bowen, Patrick K., Helen J. Ranck, Timothy J. Scarlett, and Jaroslaw W. Drelich. (2011). Rehydration/Rehydroxylation Kinetics of Reheated XIX-Century Davenport (Utah) Ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94(8):258-2591. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2010). What if the Local is Exotic and the Imported Mundane? Measuring Ceramic Exchanges in Mormon Utah. In Carolyn Dillan and Carolyn White (eds.), Trade and Exchange: Archaeological Studies from History and Prehistory. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 165-178. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Michael Deegan, and Renée Blackburn. (2009). Two Seasons of Excavation at the 1865 Office Building at Scenic Hudson's West Point Foundry Preserve. IA: the Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology 35(1-2):105-115.
- Deegan, Michael and Timothy James Scarlett. (2008). The Conservation of Ferrous Metals from the West Point Foundry Site. Bulletin of the New York State Archaeological Association 124: 56-68.
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Robert J. Speakman, and Michael D. Glascock. (2007). Pottery in the Mormon Economy: an Historical and Archaeometric Study. Historical Archaeology. 41(4):70-95. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Jeremy Rahn, and Daniel Scott. (2006). Bricks and an Evolving Industrial Landscape: the West Point Foundry and New York's Hudson River Valley. Northeast Historical Archaeology 35:29-46.
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2006). Flowscapes of Globalization in Mormon Pioneer Utah. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 10(2):109-134. Read More
Chelsea Schelly
Tiwari, S., Schelly, C., Sidortsov, R. (2023). Legacies matter: Exploring social acceptance of pumped storage hydro in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Case Studies in the Environment. 7 (1): 2004414.
Ahamed, S., Schelly, C., Floress, K., Lytle, W., Caggiano, H., Cuite, C., Wallace, C., Cook, R., Jarvis, R., Shwom, R., Watkins, D. (2023) Being Able to Work Has Kept Our Life Fairly Constant:” Reconciling Social Practice Models to Assess the Impact of (Infra)Structural Inequities on Household Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 3(1): 015012
Lee, D., Schelly, C., Tiwari, S., Smith, S., Gagnon, V. (2023) Preferences and Perceived Barriers to Pursuing Energy Sovereignty and Renewable Energy: A Tribal Nations Perspective. Energy Research & Social Science 97
Tiwari, S., Schelly, C., Ou, G., Ardakani, M.S., Chen, J. (2022). Conceptualizing Resilience: An Energy Services Approach. Energy Research and Social Science 94:
Pascaris, A., Schelly, C., Pearce, J. (2022). Advancing Agrivoltaics within the U.S. Legal Framework: A Multidimensional Assessment of Barriers & Opportunities. Agrivoltaics 2021 AIP Conference Proceedings. 2635, 050002
Pascaris, A., Schelly, C., Rouleau, M., Pearce, J. (2022). Do Agrivoltaics Improve Public Support for Solar? A Survey on Perceptions, Preferences, and Priorities. Green Technology, Resilience, and Sustainability 2(8)
Gagnon, V., Schelly, C., Lytle, W., Kliskey, A., Dale, V., Marshall, A-M, Rodriguez, L., Williams, P., Price, M.W., Redd, E., Noodin, M.A. (2022). Enacting Boundaries or Building Bridges? Language and Engagement in Food-Energy-Water Systems Science. Socio-Ecological Practice Research
Schelly, C., Gagnon, V., Arola, K., Fiss, A., Schaefer, M., Halvorsen, K.E. (2021). Cultural Imaginaries or Incommensurable Ontologies? Recognizing relationality and sovereignty as worldviews in socio-technological system transitions. Energy Research and Social Science 80
Sam R. Sweitz
- 2018 Eastmond, Amarella, Julio Sacramento, Sam Sweitz (eds.) The Quest for Jatropha Biodiesel and Sustainability in Yucatan. Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Merida, Mexico.
- 2012 Sweitz, Sam. On the Periphery of the Periphery: Household Archaeology at Hacienda San Juan Bautista Tabi, Yucatán, Mexico. Contributions to Global Historical Archaeology series, Charles Orser, Jr. editor, Springer, New York.
- 2004 Waters, Michael, Mark Long, William Dickens, Sam Sweitz, Anna Lee Presley, Ian Buvit, Michelle Raisor, Bryan Mason, Hillary Standish, and Norbert Dannhaeuser. Lone Star Stalag: German Prisoners of War at Camp at Hearne. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas.
Journal Articles:
- 2017 Banerjee, Aparajita, Kathy Halvorsen, Amarella Eastmond, Sam Sweitz. Sustainable development for whom and how? Exploring the gaps between popular discourses and ground reality using the Mexican Jatropha biodiesel case. Environmental Management. 59(6):912-923.
- 2015 T. Selfa, C. Bain, R. Moreno, A. Eastmond, S. Sweitz, C. Bailey, T. Martins, G. Simas Pereira, R. Medeiros. Interrogating Social Sustainability in the Biofuels Sector in Latin America: Global Standards and Local Experiences in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia. Environmental Management. 56(6):1315-1329.
- 2012 Sweitz, Sam. Consumer Strategy and Household Consumption in the Cripple Creek Mining District, Colorado, USA. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 16(1):227-266.
- 2010 Sweitz, Sam. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigating the Industrial Heritage of Puerto Rico: Research at the National Register Site of Central Aguirre. CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship 7:87-91.
- 2010 Sweitz, Sam. The Production and Negotiation of Working Class Space and Place at Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico. IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology 36(1):24-46.
Book Chapters:
- 2018 Sweitz, Sam. Introduction: Sustainable Biofuels: The Local in the Global. In The Quest for Jatropha Biodiesel and Sustainability in Yucatan, A. Eastmond, J. Sacramento, and S. Sweitz, editors, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Merida, Mexico, pp. 23-27.
- 2018 Sweitz, Sam. Conclusion: Sustainability, Biofuels, and the Future in Yucatan. In The Quest for Jatropha Biodiesel and Sustainability in Yucatan, A. Eastmond, J. Sacramento, and S. Sweitz, editors, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Merida, Mexico, pp. 239-245.
- 2015 Sweitz, Sam. Las Cadenas que más nos Encadenan son las Cadenas que Hemos Roto: Plantation Systems, Capitalist Mentalities, and the Production of Space, Place, and Identity in Historical Archaeology. In Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, second edition, M. Leone and J. Knauf, editors, Springer, pp. 295-326.
- 2015 Sweitz, Sam. Collective Memory, Working-Class Identity, and the Reanimation of Community in the (Post-) Industrial Sugar Landscape of Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico. In Reanimating Industrial Spaces: Conducting Memory Work in Post-Industrial Societies, H. Orange, editor, Left Coast Press, pp. 176-190.
- 2011 Scarlett, Timothy J., and Sweitz, Sam. Constructing New Knowledge in Industrial Archaeology. In Archaeological Field Schools: Constructing Knowledge and Experience, H. Mytum, editor, pp. 119-146. Springer, New York.
Steven A. Walton
- Steven A. Walton and Timothy J. Scarlett. 2020. "Technology" 6: 65–83 in A Cultural History of Objects in the Modern Age, ed. by Laurie A. Wilkie and John M. Chenoweth. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Timothy J. Scarlett and Steven A. Walton. 2020. "Technology," 5: 39-55 in A Cultural History of Objects in the Age of Industry, ed. by Carolyn White. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Steven A. Walton. 2020. "The American Expositionary Forces in WWI: From Patriotism to Memorialization of War," 205-239 in Home Front in the American Heartland: Local Experiences and Legacies of WWI, ed. Patricia Sotirin, Steven A. Walton, and Sue Collins. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
- Steven A. Walton. 2019. "Technological Determinism(s) and the Study of War," Vulcan 7: 4-18.
- Steven A. Walton (ed.). 2019. Fifty Years of Medieval Technology & Social Change. London: Routledge.
- Steven A. Walton and Michael J. Armstrong (eds.). 2019. The Majestic "Nature" of the North: Thomas Kelah Wharton's Journeys in Antebellum America through the Hudson River Valley and New England. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Laura W. Rouleau, Sarah Scarlett, Timothy J. Scarlett and Steven A. Walton. 2020. Historic Resource Survey: Pullman National Historical Landmark, Town of Pullman, Chicago, Illinois. National Park Service.
- Timothy J. Scarlett and Steven A. Walton. 2017.Archaeological Overview & Assessment: Pullman National Historical Landmark, Town of Pullman, Chicago, Illinois, prepared for Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service.
- Steven A. Walton. 2018 [for 2015]. "Machinery to Match the Materials: Iron Ore Washing in Pennsylvania," IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology 41.1/2: 71-92. [Vogel Prize Winner]
Steven A. Walton. 2018 "'My Works will be the Best in America': Peter Townsend's Cannon Foundry, 1815-25, 1815-25." New York State Museum Record 8: 79-102. Read More - Steven A. Walton. 2017. "Technologies of Pow(d)er: Military Mathematical Practitioners' Strategies and Self-Presentation." In Mathematical Practitioners and the Transformation of Natural Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, edited by L. Cormack, S. Walton, and J. Schuster, pp. 87-113. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science vol. 45. Dordrecht: Springer. Read More
- Steven A. Walton. 2015. "Testing the Revolution in a Civil War: Developments in Heavy Artillery, 1830-1860." In Astride Two Ages: Technology in the American Civil War, edited by Barton C. Hacker, pp. 55-85. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Read More
- Steven A. Walton and Thomas E. Boothby. 2014. "What is Straight Cannot Fall: Gothic architecture, Scholasticism, and dynamics," History of Science 52.4, no. 173: 347–376. Read More
- Steven A. Walton. 2010. "State Building through Building for the State: domestic and foreign expertise in Tudor fortifications." In Expertise and the Early Modern State, edited by Eric Ash, Osiris 25: 66-84. Read More
- Steven A. Walton. 2009 [2012]. "Founding a Foundry: the Diary of the Setting-Out of the West Point Foundry." Industrial Archaeology: Theme Issue: West Point Foundry 35.1/2: 25-38. Read More
Adam M. Wellstead
- Hoss-Golan, E., Gofen, A. and Wellstead, A.M., 2024. Meeting expectations? Response of policy innovation labs to sustainable development goals. Policy and Society, 43(3), pp.334-350.
- Kim, S., Heikkila, T. and Wellstead, A.M., 2024. Pathways to learning in data-based policy innovation labs. International Review of Public Policy, 6(6: 2).
- Morrison, A., Wellstead, A.M. and Dickinson, H., 2024. Reclaiming public service ethics through algorithms: Implications for teaching and development. Teaching Public Administration, 42(2), pp.251-268.
- Villa-Alvarez, D.P. and Wellstead, A.M., 2024. More than Semantics? Navigating the "Policy* Design " Concepts' Landscape. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 18(2), pp.35-51.
- Wellstead, A.M., Mechling, S.M., Carter, A. and Gofen, A., 2024. Artificial intelligence possibilities to improve analytical policy capacity: the case of environmental policy innovation labs and sustainable development goals. Policy Design and Practice, 7(4), pp.456-467.
- Wellstead, A., Schmidt, R., Carter, A. and Gofen, A., 2024. New Avenues for Public Value Management and the Role of Nonprofit Policy Innovation Labs: Co-Experience and Social Media. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 15(1), pp.26-pp.
- Wellstead, A. and Howlett, M., 2024. Public value and procedural policy instrument specifications in "design for service ". Policy Design and Practice, pp.1-14.
Richelle L. Winkler
- Pandemic Migration in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Read More
- Differential Privacy and the accuracy of county-level net migration estimates Read More
- The Future of Wildlife Conservation Funding
- Amenities or Disamenities? Impacts of extreme heat and wildfire on domestic US migration. Read More
- Urban socioeconomic inequality and biodiversity often converge, but not always. Read More.
- Exporting Consumption: Lifestyle Migration and Energy Use in Costa Rica. Read More.
- The Third Shift? Gender and Empowerment in a Women's Ecotourism Cooperative. Read More.
- Moving toward Integration? Effects of Migration on Ethnoracial Segregation across the Rural-Urban Continuum Read More
- How Migration Impacts Rural America Read More
- Emerging economic viability of grid defection in a northern climate using solar hybrid systems Read More
- Boom, bust and beyond: Arts and sustainability in Calumet, Michigan Read More
- Migration signatures: Net migration by age and race/ethnicity in U.S. counties, 1950-2010 Read More
- Winkler, Richelle. 2013. “Living on lakes: Segregated communities and social exclusion in a natural amenity destination.” The Sociological Quarterly 54 (1): 105-129. Read More
- Winkler, Richelle and Keith Warnke. 2013. “The future of hunting: An age-period-cohort analysis of deer hunter decline.” Population and Environment 34(4): 460-480 Read More