Reports to:
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Affairs
Serve as contact point for questions regarding course materials coming from the University community; explore alternative models for course materials; engage and educate faculty, instructors, and students, including Graduate Teaching Instructors/Assistants (GTI/A) about potential options; and recommend or propose measures designed to reduce costs and increase access to high quality course materials to the provost and dean of students, to be delivered annually by February 1st.
One representative from the following areas: *Campus Store; *library; *Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL); Senate; *informational technology (IT); student financial services; undergraduate student government (USG, up to two representatives); graduate student government (GSG, up to two representatives); a faculty member appointed by the provost; a faculty member appointed by the dean of the Graduate School; as well as a representative appointed by the CFO and associate vice president for administration and the vice president for student affairs.
*The accessible technology working group (ATWG, when considering new tools) or other subject matter experts should also be represented when necessary.
Members and Term Expiration Dates:
- Rob Bishop, Office of Academic and Community Conduct, VP for Student Affairs Representative, 04/30/2026
- Amy Blake, Information Technology Representative, 06/30/2025
- Kathleen Burke, McNair Scholars Representative, 3/30/2027
- Annelise Doll, Library Representative, 06/30/2025
- Andrew Miles, Student Financial Services Representative, 06/30/2025
- Katie Lucca, Auxiliary Services Representative, 06/30/2026
- Jeff Toorongian, Center for Teaching and Learning Representative, 06/30/2025
- Wayne Weaver, Mechanical Eng. - Eng. Mechanics, Associate Provost for Graduate Education Representative, 06/30/2025
- Desiree Williams, Campus Store, 06/30/2025