Student Commission Goals
- To provide a venue for students, faculty and staff to have open dialogue about the types of programs, services and opportunities that contribute to a successful educational experience.
- To address barriers or obstacles that stand in the way of student success.
- To define a set of best practices to guide us in our relations with students and other University constituents.
- To ensure that the student voice is heard and that students are provided a forum to express their support, ideas and concerns.
Student Commission Accomplishments
A few of the Student Commission accomplishments:
- Student Organization Catering Menus
- Installation of Water-Bottle Filling Stations
- Tobacco-Free Campus
- Senior Survey for Graduates
- Mid-Term Surveys
- Sustainability on Campus
- Furnishings Plan
- Value Statement
- Additional Microwaves in the MUB
- Relocation of Broomball Rinks
- Designated Memorial Garden
- On-line 13-Step Employment Process for International Students
- Princess Point Rehab and Upgrade
- Experience Tech Fee Initiative
- Lighting along cemetery road
- Signal light delay on US-41 crosswalk
- College Pads