Student Affairs Staff

Laura Bulleit

Laura Bulleit

  • Vice President for Student Affairs
Polly Schaefer

Polly Schaefer

  • Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs

Dean of Students


Kellie Raffaelli

  • Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Dean of Students
Tiffany Jaeger

Tiffany Jaeger

  • Manager of Student Outreach and Retention

Student Affairs Directors


Alexandra Marshall

Alexandra Marshall

  • Director of Residence Education
Anna McClatchy, PhD

Anna McClatchy, PhD

  • Assistant Dean of Student Success
  • Director, Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success
Crystal Primeau McLeod, MA, LLP

Crystal Primeau McLeod, MA, LLP

  • Director, Center for Student Mental Health & Well-being
  • Limited License Psychologist
Danielle Meirow

Danielle Meirow

  • Director of Student Leadership and Involvement
Robert Bishop

Robert Bishop

  • Assistant Dean of Academic Conduct
Laura Putwen

Laura Putwen

  • Assistant Dean of Community Conduct
Cody Kangas

Cody Kangas

  • Executive Director of Career Services
Christian Montesinos

Christian Montesinos

  • Director of International Programs and Services

Christopher Sanders

  • Interim Director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion
  • Assistant Director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion