What is HuskyLEAD?
HuskyLEAD is a Leadership Education and Development series for all Michigan Tech students. We believe that leadership development is essential for all students to truly make an impact on campus and society. This program encourages all students from campus leaders and student organization officers, to individuals who just want to learn, to elevate their leadership skills by learning the best techniques, skills, and tips for their personal, organizational, and professional success.
What skills are built through participation in the HuskyLEAD Series?
The HuskyLEAD series focuses on five different leadership competencies:
- Self-Awareness: Part of strong leadership is learning about yourself – strengths, weaknesses, and personal values – and how to advance organizations and individuals using that self-knowledge.
- Teamwork: Cooperation and collaboration are important skills to learn as a leader. You will learn about how to use and navigate groups and teams to promote strong leadership.
- Communication: Leaders must understand the "how" and "why" behind communication in order to understand how others can best contribute, how to share information effectively with others, and how to send the desired message.
- Ethical Practices: The ethical practices of leaders are constantly challenged. Leaders must stay congruent with ethical principles and practices and the value of affecting others lives positively.
- Social Responsibility: As leaders, one of our goals is to understand our roles as members of multiple communities and how we can better the lives of those in those communities through direct and/or indirect involvement.
Spring 2025 HuskyLEAD Schedule
Creating An Effective Student Org Budget
Student Organization Budget Hearings are quickly approaching! Join Taylor Piering from Student Leadership and Involvement to learn budgeting best practices for creating and maintaining your organization's finances. Basics from setting up your organization's budget tracking spreadsheet to tracking expenses will be reviewed.
- Thursday, January 23rd from 4:00-5:00 PM
- Fisher 125
Strategies for Member Engagement & Retention
Keeping members engaged and involved is crucial to the success of any group. Without proper engagement, retaining members can become a challenge. Join us to discover proven techniques for boosting participation and maintaining long-term commitment within your group.
- Tuesday, February 11th from 4:00-5:00 PM
- Fisher 125
Leading the Charge for a Sustainable Future
Creating a world that is sustainable, prosperous, and just presents a monumental challenge, and one that humans haven’t been particularly successful at achieving. Join in a conversation with the Office of Sustainability and Resilience to learn more about the most vexing issues and what you can do to make a difference.
- Monday, February 17th from 4:00-5:00 PM
- MUB Alumni Lounge B
Effective Leadership Transitions
In Student Leadership and Involvement, we often hear from groups that had a "bad transition" between student organizations leaders. They lack historical knowledge, miss deadlines they weren't familiar with, and have to spend valuable time recreating what should already exist. Are you looking to ensure your organization's leadership doesn't end up in this challenging position?
Join Amy Hjerstedt to learn effective strategies for:
-Retaining digital documents
-Carrying on consistent relationships with campus partners
-Sharing necessary information with incoming officers
-Hosting effective transition meetings
A variety of resources and sample documents will be shared. Time will be provided throughout the workshop for attendees to take action steps on transition planning. It is recommended that multiple organization leaders attend together and that they bring laptops with access to any relevant organizational documents.
- Wednesday, March 19th from 4:00-5:00 PM
- Fisher 129