Service Hours

One of Michigan Tech’s Undergraduate Student Learning Goals is Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning. This goal seeks to promote civic engagement through both political and non-political processes. Student Leadership and Involvement aims to support this goal by overseeing the recording of community service hours through GivePulse

Our broad definition of community service is “action taken to meet the needs of others and to better the community as a whole” (Campus Compact, 1998). Student Leadership and Involvement further defines community service hours as non-compensated activities organized in partnership with a non-profit, community, or government organization that benefits a larger community than its own membership.

In order to ensure that students are completing meaningful community service hours, we have created the following guidelines. We recognize that there may be situations where it is difficult to determine whether or not an activity meets the requirements to be classified as community service hours, and we encourage students to email with any questions or concerns.

These guidelines apply to all service hour submissions received on or after January 1, 2023 regardless of when the service hours were performed.

In the event that your community service hours are denied and you believe that those hours should have been approved, you may contact Student Leadership and Involvement by email ( or by phone (906-487-1963). Student Leadership and Involvement reserves the right to change the above guidelines as needed.