Get Involved - Student Organizations
Learn about the amazing Registered Student Organizations at Michigan Tech!
Michigan Technological University is home to approximately 240 Registered Student Organizations (RSO). Our dynamic student organizations range from social, club sports, academic, service, and everything in between! Check them out by visiting Involvement Link, our RSO database that includes organization portals, an events calendar, and organizational news.
See All Registered Student Organizations
Groups/Organizations that are NOT REGISTERED with Michigan Technological University
While the students and/or community members within the groups listed below (and others not previously registered) may attempt to recruit individuals into these groups, it is important to note that they are NOT registered student organizations and are NOT affiliated with Michigan Technological University in any way. The University advises that students and their parents review carefully the potential benefits and the potential disadvantages or risks of affiliating with such non-registered student organizations.
The University Code of Conduct applies to student behavior both on and off campus. Students involved in conduct violations may subject themselves to individual University disciplinary procedures, including suspension or dismissal if they are found responsible for violations.
For the complete Student Code of Community Conduct and other policies, please visit Student Conduct Policies.
Alpha Kappa Psi (ΑΚΨ) – The Theta Kappa chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi (also known as AKPsi and Theta Kappa Psi) chose not to re-register as a student organization in the fall of 2012. In August of 2013, the Alpha Kappa Psi national headquarters suspended their charter and asked the members to refrain from associating the Alpha Kappa Psi name with any of their activities. This group may be identified by the colors navy blue and gold, and their last known place of residence was 1201 College Ave. in Houghton.
Phi Kappa Theta (ΦΚΘ) / Michigan Chi Rho – The Michigan Chi Rho chapter of Phi Kappa Theta (also known as Phi Kaps) was found responsible in April of 2011 for violations of the hazing, endangerment, and disruptive behavior provisions. As a result, Phi Kappa Theta was expelled as a registered student organization at Michigan Tech in the fall of 2011. In August of 2011, the Phi Kappa Theta national headquarters suspended their charter. There is still a group of individuals that refer to themselves as members of Chi Rho, but this is NOT a registered student organization at Michigan Tech. This group may be identified by the colors cardinal and gold, and their last known place of residence was 1301 Ruby Ave. in Houghton.
Sigma Kappa Upsilon Mu (ΣΚΥΜ) – Sigma Kappa Upsilon Mu (also known as SKUMS), a local organization, was found responsible in November of 2005 for violations of the alcohol provisions. Sigma Kappa Upsilon Mu failed to re-register their student organization during the annual registration period, and as such, their status as a registered student organization was removed as of November of 2005. This group may be identified by the colors black and red and an elephant mascot, and their last known place of residence was 223 Blanche St. in Houghton.
Theta Tau (ΘΤ) – The Beta chapter of Theta Tau was found responsible in December of 2013 for violations of the alcohol, endangerment, community order, disruptive behavior, and hazing provisions of the student conduct policies. As a result, Theta Tau was suspended for five years. During the suspension, in February of 2014, Theta Tau was found responsible for violations of the alcohol provisions and failing to comply with the terms of their previous suspension. In April of 2017, Theta Tau was again found responsible for violations of the alcohol provisions and failing to comply with the terms of their previous suspension. Due to the organization’s multiple violations and conduct history, effective May 25, 2017, Theta Tau received the sanction of expulsion. With this sanction, the fraternity’s status as a student organization at Michigan Tech is permanently terminated without possibility of reinstatement. This decision is final and not subject to further appeal. This group may be identified by the colors dark red and gold, and their last known place of residence was 407 Fairview St. in Houghton.