Organization Email Information

Email Alias

Organizations that serve the public may want to have a consistent, recognizable email address rather than transferring responsibilities to new officers from year to year.  In this case, your organization can request an “email alias.”  Email with your request.  Include the name of your organization, the purpose of your alias, your email address preference, and the names and user IDs of members who will receive email sent to the alias email address.  Again, be sure to include any changes in your end-of-year officer transition check-list.

Examples of alias email addresses are;;, and

Gmail Service Account

Organizations can request a Gmail service account for their organizations by emailing This can be treated like any other Gmail account at Michigan Tech, complete with a Google calendar, Drive, Google Docs, etc. IT-Help will initially provide you with the email address and password. You can then change the password, share with other officers in your group, create documents, etc. 

Involvement Link

Student Organization officers can email or text message their membership list by logging onto their organization’s Involvement Link account, going to “Roster” on the left side menu and by clicking on “Messaging.”  From this menu, officers can choose to send an email or text message.

To send an email click on "Create Relay" select your criteria, enter a subject, and "Generate" a relay. Copy and paste the link in the "To" section of your regular email, and compose your message.

If organizations would like to use the text messaging option, individual members must add their cell phone number to their profile information.  At the top left side of the screen, individuals should click on their name, then “Notifications.”  From this screen, turn “On” Text Message Notification and add cell phone number, mobile phone carrier, and save information.

Student Leadership and Involvement uses Involvement Link to send important email messages to involved users, organization presidents, treasurers, primary contacts, and advisors, so it is important to keep your organization's roster up-to-date.