Our RSO's host hundreds of events, large and small, during the academic year. These events allow organizations to engage with campus, strengthen bonds between members, and have fun! Here you will find some resources designed to guide you through the event planning process. It is important to remember that all RSO operations are subject to University Policy. Need help planning your next event? Email rso@mtu.edu for assistance!
Brainstorming & Pre-Planning
Brainstorming creates an environment where involvement, commitment, loyalty, and enthusiasm can flourish. When you work as a team to brainstorm you are not only coming up with great ideas but creating an environment based on teamwork and cooperation, encouraging communication, and helping to build your member’s self esteem. Below are the eight rules for brainstorming and here is a helpful brainstorming guide.

Planning an event can be challenging, especially on a large scale. One of the first steps is to pre-plan by talking though your organization's mission and what events are right for your org. Check out this worksheet designed to guide you through some of the most important pre-planning questions for any event, no matter the scale.
Backwards Planning
Planning backwards from your goal can be a useful tool to ensure that every step of your event planning is done on time and in the correct order. Below you will find the steps to work through the process. You can utilize this worksheet to map out your event's deadline driven timeline.
- Set your goal.
- What event would you like to facilitate?
- Define this event as specifically as possible.
- Ask yourself what value this event adds for members, campus community, and/or local community.
- Define this event as specifically as possible.
- What event would you like to facilitate?
- Identify the steps necessary to achieve your goal.
- Create a list of all the steps and resources that you need to accomplish your goal.
This list does not need to be in order but should be exhaustive.
- Estimate the time and resources you need for each step.
- Group the random steps into clusters.
- This process allows you to see which steps are dependent on one another and assists in process three.
- Create a list of all the steps and resources that you need to accomplish your goal.
This list does not need to be in order but should be exhaustive.
- Sequence the steps from process two into the order in which they will need to be completed.
- Don’t worry about attaching actual dates to each step just yet. Focus on ensuring that your steps, or clusters of steps are in the correct order.
- Create a deadline-driven timeline.
- Now take the sequence from process three and grab a calendar.
- Commit to your plan by assigning specific due dates to each step in the sequence.
- It is much easier to create your timeline by working backwards.
- Choose a date for the event first, then set deadlines based on your chosen date.
- Now take the sequence from process three and grab a calendar.
- Gather feedback & support.
- Get input from someone who understands your organization, such as your advisor or
Student Leadership & Involvement staff, to make sure you aren’t overlooking something
- Adjust if necessary
- Get input from someone who understands your organization, such as your advisor or
Student Leadership & Involvement staff, to make sure you aren’t overlooking something
Marketing Your Organization's Event
Marketing your RSO's event is key to ensuring that your event reaches full potential. Check out our marketing page for more information about marketing your RSO.