RSO Finances

RSOs and their officers are responsible for requesting, maintaining, and appropriately using funding from any source. Officers are required to adhere to a variety of rules when using funding and these rules vary depending on the source of the funding. The RSO Treasurer and President are ultimately responsible for all finances though all officers, including advisors, should be mindful of financial regulations and the financial health of their RSOs.

RSOs finance their operations in a variety of ways including but not limited to: Student Activity Fee Allocations, Member Dues, Fundraising, External Donations & Sponsorships, Campus Funds, and Department Funding. Below you will find resources pertaining to funding sources, banking, and financial management. 

Campus Sources of RSO Funding

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RSO Fundraising

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Donations to RSOs

RSO Banking

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RSO Financial Management

Financial management and planning are vital to your RSO's short and long-term success. Budgeting allows your organization to plan and program for the upcoming year more effectively allowing you to stress less. RSOs are required to keep track of organization finances and remain in good financial standing. Please visit Involvement Link to submit your SAF reimbursements, advances, and Account Use Approval Forms.

Budgeting Tools
