
Running effective meetings takes practice and following the 5 P’s can help!

  1. Purpose
    • Why is the meeting being held?
      • Make Decisions, Brainstorming, Community Building etc.
  2. Participants
    • Decide who will be invited to the meeting
      • What roles they will play?
  3. Planning
    • Make an agenda
      • Should be available to participants with plenty of time for preparation.
  4. Participation
    • How will individuals be involved in the meeting?
      • Provide Instructions
        • Introduce meeting participants to each other
      • Establish Ground Rules
        • Communicate the amount of participation expected
      • Establish Decision Rules
        • Communicate how decisions will be made as per your organization’s constitution.
  5. Perspective
    • Evaluate the meeting
      • Take an anonymous survey asking specific questions to general membership.
      • Discuss how the meeting went at your next Executive Board gathering to see how you can improve.

Adapted from: Cameron, Kim and Whetten, David. Developing Management Skills. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004. 584-589.

Hosting virtual meetings? Click here for more resources

Student Leadership & Involvement offers one-on-one advising for student organizations looking to improve their organizational meetings. Please email for more information.