Cardboard Boats


Getting to the Race & Parking

  • Michigan Tech is partnering with the City of Houghton Public Works and Police. 
  • All race participants and observers should use downtown roads to reach the race location at Chutes and Ladders Park. It is advised to turn right at the Krist gas station from MTU campus and drive Westbound Lakeshore Drive to reach the race location. 
  • Avoid driving on Highway 26 with cardboard boats and as much of Highway 41 as possible. 
  • Lakeshore Drive will be turned into a one-way road starting at 2:00 p.m. And there will be no access to the race location at Chutes and Ladders Park from Highway 26. 
  • Participants and observers may walk through the tunnel under M-26 to access the race.
  • Avoid parking in neighborhood cul de sac, Roy’s parking lot, Copper Depot parking lot, grass areas, and RV parking lot
    • Park angled along Lakeshore Dr. (while spots are available). 
  • Recommend carpooling. Observers may use the City of Houghton shuttle.

Cardboard Boat Parking Map