Success Skills Courses

The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success coordinates courses dedicated to academic and personal success. Courses are tailored to unique populations, including Learning Community residents, students on academic probation, and more. For more information about these courses, contact

Frameworks for Success for ExSEL: UN1000

Frameworks for Success for ExSEL (UN1000) explores methods for becoming a more effective student, including individual learning styles, the skills and habits that support academic success, and campus resources. Course counts as a free elective.

Creating Your Success for Learning Communities: UN1010

Creating Your Success (UN1010) is a first-year seminar for members of residential Learning Communities. The course seeks to build community amongst students and provide an introduction for creating academic, professional, and personal success. This course is required for all first-year and transfer (with fewer than 30 credits) students living in residential Learning Communities. Course counts as a free elective.

Strategies for Success: UN1011

Strategies for Success (UN1011) provides a framework for assessing the strategies you’re currently using to achieve academic, professional, and personal success. The seminar course is designed to improve your strategies for success and help you adopt new ones. This course is required for all first-year or transfer (with fewer than 30 credits) students who are on academic probation for the first time after fall or spring of their first year. This course is also available, with permission from the Dean of Students, to any student who feels they would benefit from additional strategies for success. Course counts as a free elective.