To enroll in Michigan Tech’s ExSEL Program, you must agree to meet the program requirements. In turn, our ExSEL staff will assist you in both your transition to and your ongoing success at Michigan Tech—including being available to meet one-on-one to discuss your academic progress, directing you to the appropriate campus resources, and providing opportunities that support your professional and personal growth. Please email with any questions.
As an ExSEL Program participant, I agree to:*
- Complete the UN1000 “Frameworks for Success” course
- Meet with a mentor once a week for five weeks
- Meet with the ExSEL Coordinator or staff a minimum of two times per semester
- Grant permission for ExSEL staff to request grade information and feedback from instructors and professors
- Utilize Learning Center resources available on campus, and request additional assistance when needed
- Attend all of my classes on a regular basis
- Put forth my best effort in completing homework assignments
- Participate in surveys and other assessment tools that will support the ongoing improvement of the program
- Consider granting access to my parent(s)/guardian(s) to view my grades online using the Banweb Guest Access System at Michigan Tech. This will allow the ExSEL Coordinator and/or staff to discuss my progress with the person(s) to whom I have granted access. (Note: If participants choose not to provide Banweb guest access to their parent(s), guardian(s) or other individuals, ExSEL program staff is not permitted (by FERPA) to discuss a participant's academic performance.)
* Participation is required to maintain an active standing in the ExSEL Program.
Check out the ExSEL page to see more on the program and how to enroll in the course.