Thinking about withdrawing from a course?

Things to think about when withdrawing (W) from a course.

When should I consider withdrawing from a course?

The last day to withdraw (W) from a course for Spring 2025

  • Full semester is Friday, March 21, 2025 at 5:00 pm.
  • Track B is Friday, April 04, 2025 at 5:00 pm.

You may find yourself in a situation where you are feeling overwhelmed by academic (and Life) expectations and are considering withdrawing from a course.  Withdrawing from a course means you will receive a W on your transcript but the course will not count towards your GPA or be considered an attempt.  A Michigan Tech student has the opportunity to take a course for a final letter grade three times-a W is not considered one of those attempts.

Steps to take before requesting a W
  • Talk to your instructor about your concerns and your progress in the class.
  • Talk to Financial aid about potential repercussions--the W won't count towards your GPA but is considered a course attempt.
  • Talk to your advisor about progress and what that might mean for scheduling and your progress towards your degree.
Times to really give W grades a strong consideration
  • You are on a third attempt in a course and you are really uncertain if you are going to pass.  Talking to your instructor about your performance and someone in the Dean of Students area ( can be critical, as failing a third attempt can jeopardize your ability to graduate in your degree program.
  • You have concerns about passing a course.
  • You are concerned about your grade in a course and feel like you could benefit from lightening your load to focus on other courses.