We have outlined some questions that students often have related to disabilities and to services that the Student Disability Services Office provides.
Students are encouraged to contact the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success for assistance:
Christy Oslund, PhD
Coordinator of Student Disability Services
Margaret Landsparger
Case Manager, Student Disability Services
Anna McClatchy, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean of Student Success
Director, Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success
Karen Patterson
Coordinator, Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success
Students who have met with Student Disability Services, provided adequate documentation, and been given appropriate accommodations are able to log into their experience account to request that their instructors are notified. Students may choose to notify all of their instructors, or only notify instructors of the classes in which they wish to use the accommodations.
Once instructors have received this email, it becomes their responsibility to follow the link and note the required accommodation. Students are responsible for reminding instructors five business days before an exam if they intend to use testing accommodations.
Questions regarding accommodations should be directed to Student Disability Services: sds@mtu.edu.
To be eligible for services, including classroom accommodations, students with disabilities must identify themselves and present professional documentation to the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success, Coordinator for Student Disability Services located in the Administration Building, room 130.
We offer many accommodations for students who provide supporting documentation of a disability. Accommodations are determined individually and are based on a student’s disability. Accommodations are meant to provide equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities. They are not in place to provide an unfair advantage, but to "level the playing field."
To be eligible for services, including classroom accommodations, students with disabilities must identify themselves and present professional documentation to the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success, Coordinator for Student Disability Services.
If you are not enrolled or choose not to use your accommodations for a semester, please contact Student Disability Services to have your accommodations renewed.
If your break in enrollment lasts one year or longer, you may be required to meet in person with Student Disability Services to reassess your accommodation needs.
Michigan Technological University is committed to ensuring that all qualified individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to take part in educational programs and services on an equal basis.
Qualified Individual: A student who meets the academic standards for admission to Michigan Tech.
Disability: A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities including, but not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working.
Students who are having trouble with a class are reminded that there are appropriate learning centers for each area of study. Each center has its own time schedule and policies regarding appointments, so check out their websites for more information.
If time management or study skills are becoming an issue, the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success offers academic success coaches to assist. These specially trained peer coaches can help a student learn how to track the details of their classes, plan more efficient use of time, and figure out where their time is currently being spent.