Support Pack Orientation

What is a Support Pack?

Every student that comes to Michigan Tech arrives with a community of people that are behind and supporting them in their academic and personal endeavors. Parents, grandparents, guardians, relatives, friends, and trusted adults all make up a student’s Support Pack, and include the group of people traveling with a student to Michigan Tech! We are super grateful for those who’ve made the journey to Houghton to see their future Husky succeed!

We know that everyone’s Support Pack looks a little different, and that the transition between life at home and college can be difficult for students and their Support Packs. We want to best support you and your future Husky in the best way possible. We will be offering some limited programming during move-in weekend, and Support Packs are welcome to join their students in the dining hall free-of-charge on Friday and Saturday.

The Fall Support Pack Orientation will be held on Friday, August 16 at 6:00 p.m. in Fisher 135 and Sunday, August 18 at 9:00 a.m. in the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts. While Support Packs are not required to attend these sessions, they are encouraged to attend either one or both of the sessions if they are available during the weekend. On Sunday, Support Packs will be invited to meet the Dean of Students, Kellie Raffaelli, and take part in a continental breakfast. If you have any questions about the Support Pack Orientation, please contact

The University Welcome will be on Saturday, August 17 at 6PM in the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena in the Student Development Complex. Support Packs are invited to attend as we kick off the Fall Orientation in a fun-filled evening! More information on this event will be posted in July, and students will be able to learn more through the Orientation 2024 Guidebook application

Have any more questions about Support Pack Orientation or your role as part of your student’s Support Pack? Check the Frequently Asked Questions or contact us at or 906-487-3558. We are excited to meet all of our new students and Support Packs!”

Recordings for Support Pack

Watch Obtaining Accommodations at Michigan Tech video
Preview image for Obtaining Accommodations at Michigan Tech video

Obtaining Accommodations at Michigan Tech

Watch ESA and Service Animals on Michigan Tech campus video
Preview image for ESA and Service Animals on Michigan Tech campus video

ESA and Service Animals on Michigan Tech campus

Watch Upper Peninsula Health System: Local providers in Houghton area video
Preview image for Upper Peninsula Health System: Local providers in Houghton area video

Upper Peninsula Health System: Local providers in Houghton area