It’s important you understand the expectations of your program, living environment,
and responsibilities during Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Programs. Our greatest priority
is the well-being of our students; we require you to read and sign the pledge below
indicating your understanding of and willingness to abide by our community standards.
While on campus, you are expected to be courteous and respect the rights, property,
and personal boundaries of both participants and staff members. Remember, you are
a guest of the City of Houghton and Michigan Technological University. The University
requires all participants to read these regulations with your parent(s)/guardian(s).
Community Standards
Attendance and active participation at all selected daytime sessions is expected and mandatory. We want you to make the most of your experience.
Alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs or drug-related paraphernalia, fireworks or other explosives, and weapons are strictly prohibited. If you are found using or possessing any of these, it will be considered a major violation of the SYP policy; no warning needs to be issued before removing you from the program at your own expense. This includes inappropriate references to or depictions of controlled substances.
- Michigan Tech is a smoke, vapor, and tobacco-free campus. Applicable laws ban anyone under the age of 21 from smoking or vaping. Underage buying, smoking, or possession of tobacco, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited. Michigan Tech is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and clean campus community. The University is tobacco, smoke, and vapor-free. The use of all tobacco products and vapor e-cigarettes is prohibited on campus property. Students who do not follow these rules will be asked to leave the program at their expense; program fees paid will be forfeited.
- The participant is responsible for coming to the SYP Front Desk to have their medications administered. If self-administration/self-possession is necessary, please provide written permission and request that this is necessary. Any participant who distributes a medication of any kind to another participant or is found to possess a medication other than the one authorized violates the program's Code of Conduct.
- Behavior including bullying, hazing, profanity, excessive disruption, or other disruptive conduct will not be tolerated.
Students are only allowed to leave campus when accompanied by a staff member or other authorized adult. Some areas on campus are off-limits during the program, including Douglass Houghton Hall, East Hall, McNair Hall, Daniell Heights Apartments, Hillside Place and Academic Buildings outside of regular class hours. To visit the Student Development Complex (SDC), you must be accompanied by a staff member.
- The residence hall closes daily at 9:30 pm. All participants must be on their assigned floor at that time and commuter students must sign out and be picked up by a parent/guardian by 9:30 pm.
- Members of other genders, except staff, are not permitted in participants’ rooms or immediate living area (hall).
- The first and ground floor lounge areas in Wadsworth Hall are available for you to interact with your friends. The Game Room, Kitchenettes, and QuadCore facilities are only available to current Michigan Tech students and not available to SYP participants.
- Personal friends not associated with the program are not allowed to visit during your stay. Exceptions should be approved by the director before the program begins.
- You are not permitted to drive while here. Live-in and Commuter students who drive themselves to the program must turn their keys in to Summer Youth Programs staff for the week and will be required to purchase a temporary parking permit.
Participant Expectations
- Michigan Tech and Summer Youth Programs are drug, alcohol, smoke, and vape free.
- Weapons or weapon paraphernalia of any kind are not permitted.
- If you drive to SYP, you are responsible for purchasing a parking pass ($20) and are required to turn your keys in to the front desk for the duration of your time at camp.
- While we don’t have a prescriptive dress code, you should dress for an academic setting including being prepared for any activities you are entering such as lab environments where long pants and closed-toed shoes may be required.
- Ordering from food delivery services while on campus is permitted from DoorDash only. All orders must be delivered to the SYP Front Desk no later than 9pm. Please indicate that delivery must occur to the SYP Front Desk when placing your order.
- In the Dining Hall you are responsible for clearing your own trays, only enter and tap your ID once per meal, please don’t loiter as the dining hall will be busy.
- Whenever you are not in your room, your ID card and lanyard must be worn at chest leve. ID cards provide tap access to required buildings and program areas during your stay.
At Summer Youth Programs we have five main expectations regarding your behavior. We request that you act with:
- Respect - Use respectful behavior and language showing regard for Summer Youth Programs staff, other participants, and the facilities in which programs operate.
- Kindness - The ability to act in consideration of the feelings, perspectives and needs of others and demonstrate this.
- Resilience - The ability to meet expectations while adapting to the pressures presented by new and challenging situations.
- Responsibility - The ability to take ownership over your own actions, learning and understanding.
- Community - A commitment to ensure that all (including yourself) are supported.
- Students are only permitted in the residential area to which they are assigned.
- All students may share any other areas which have been designated by SYP as community spaces.
- You may not switch rooms under any circumstances.
- It is your responsibility to maintain your room in a neat and tidy condition. Please pickup after yourself and vacuum before departing.
- It is your responsibility to lock your room anytime you’re away.
- Your room key is your responsibility and should not be loaned or given to anyone else. You will be charged a $75 fee for lost or damaged keys.
- You will be charged a fee if you damage or remove any room furniture or fixtures from your room.
- Candles and other open-flame objects are not permitted in the residence halls.
- Our smoke detectors are particle detectors. Please don’t spray deodorant or hair spray near them.
- Music devices & video games may not be brought to classes.
- Speakers and music should be kept at a low volume in the residence halls.
- Cell phones and other electronic mobile devices must be turned off and put away when in class or at presentations.
- Never leave the campus boundary without a counselor, instructor, or other authorized adult and make sure your name is on the activity sign out sheet. This includes trips to the Student Development Complex (SDC)!
- Parents/friends/or relatives who want to take you to/from campus must go to the front desk to sign you in/out. That person must be listed as an Authorized Adult in your CampDoc Student Profile. They will be required to provide a Photo ID to sign you out at the front desk and you must be signed back in upon your return. This rule is in effect as soon as you arrive at check-in. Parents/guardians should document all authorized persons who may check a student out of the program in their CampDoc Student Profile. Please note that these outings must not conflict with any mandatory activities on the schedule.
- Cross US 41 only at the designated crosswalk, follow the directions of the crossing guard. Never cross Cliff Drive (the road at the back of the main campus) without a counselor or instructor.
- The other residential buildings (McNair Hall, Hillside Place, and Douglass Houghton Hall) are all off limits unless explicity indicated by SYP staff.
- In Wadsworth Hall, please use only the main stairwell; the other stairwells are alarmed. Please follow all marked signs for SYP participants posted as some areas are off limits.
- Elevator access is not granted to SYP participants except for those requiring an accessibility accommodation. Please contact our office for more information.
- Absolutely no “horseplay”, excessive noise, or inappropriate behavior in the academic buildings on campus.
Michigan Tech Summer Youth Programs reserves the right to terminate the participation of any student when it is deemed to be in the best interest of either the student or the program (as determined by the University and program staff). The University, program and program staff expressly reserve the exclusive right to establish and determine the standards of conduct, behavior, and performance of the participants engaging in the program and to require compliance with such standards as a condition of their participation. Students who do not follow our community standards or program rules, or who engage in illegal, dangerous, or inappropriate behavior, will be removed from the program at their own cost and required to be checked out by a parent or guardian within 24 hours.