Participant Expectations

It’s important you understand the expectations of your program, living environment, and responsibilities during Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Programs. Our greatest priority is the well-being of our students; we require you to read and sign the pledge below indicating your understanding of and willingness to abide by our community standards.
While on campus, you are expected to be courteous and respect the rights, property, and personal boundaries of both participants and staff members. Remember, you are a guest of the City of Houghton and Michigan Technological University. The University requires all participants to read these regulations with your parent(s)/guardian(s).

Community Standards

Participant Expectations

Michigan Tech Summer Youth Programs reserves the right to terminate the participation of any student when it is deemed to be in the best interest of either the student or the program (as determined by the University and program staff). The University, program and program staff expressly reserve the exclusive right to establish and determine the standards of conduct, behavior, and performance of the participants engaging in the program and to require compliance with such standards as a condition of their participation. Students who do not follow our community standards or program rules, or who engage in illegal, dangerous, or inappropriate behavior, will be removed from the program at their own cost and required to be checked out by a parent or guardian within 24 hours.