Training Materials for Title IX Personnel: § 106.45(b)(1)(iii) & § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D)
In accordance with the Office of Civil Rights Title IX Rule, the training materials for all Title IX personnel can be found here.
Michigan Tech TIX Staff
Those who serve in these roles include full time Title IX staff, contracted Title IX staff, and Michigan Tech employees who serve as volunteers in Title IX roles:
- TIX Coordinator
- TIX Deputy Coordinators
- TIX Investigators
- TIX Decision-Makers
- TIX Informal Resolution Facilitators
- TIX Appellate Officers
- TIX Advisors - at Michigan Tech (not required to be trained, but we have provided training to those advisors who are employees of Michigan Tech)
This list will be updated periodically as our staff continues ongoing training.
2024-2025 Academic Year
- Emergency Removals Under Title IX
- Parallel Response
- Trauma Informed Practices
- Accommodating Pregnant and Parenting Students
- Applying a Violence Risk Assessment in Title IX
- Title IX Athletics
- Civil Rights Investigator Training
Institutional Compliance Solutions Title IX U Courses
- Title IX 101
- Title IX Investigator Level 1
- Decision-Maker Level 1
- Title IX Coordinator
- Title IX Advisor
- Title IX Informal Resolution
- Title IX Decision-Maker Appeals
- ICS Back to School Webinar
An important note from Institutional Compliance Solutions: Your institution or school may post training material on its website only if it has been used to train the institution or school’s Title IX personnel, and only to the extent necessary to comply with Title IX. Any other use or effort to republish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, display, disclose, or distribute this material shall constitute infringement. © 2020 Institutional Compliance Solutions All rights reserved.