Title IX Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent for sexual misconduct cases. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to Michigan Tech's Education Programs or Activities without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or Michigan Tech's educational environment, or deter sexual harassment.

Supportive measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • Counseling
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Modifications of work or class schedules
  • Campus escort services
  • Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties
  • Changes in work or housing locations
  • Leaves of absence
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar measures.

Supportive measures may be put in place and monitored by the Title IX Coordinator in cases of sexual misconduct allegations handled under the Student Code of Community Conduct. Supportive measures may be available regardless of formal charges of the Student Code of Community Conduct.
