Social Media

University Marketing and Communications (UMC) infuses social media into larger communication plans and strategies. By using creativity, data and critical thinking, we gather insights by meaningfully engaging with our audiences in the digital space. Our social media platforms—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Snapchat—reaches prospective students, fosters affinity with alumni, and promotes our undergraduate, graduate, and faculty research. The UMC social media team consists of a social media manager, writers, designers, and web specialists. By working collaboratively we monitor and curate content every day, reaching an audience of more than 170,000 people around the world. Connect with Michigan Tech on social media.

How We Do It

  • Messaging
  • Consultation
  • Design
  • Campaigns
  • Paid ads and promoted posts
  • Social media engagement

Resources and Tips

Social Media Blog

@michigantech Twitter Feed

"Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage."Amy Jo Martin, American author, Marketing Thought Leader and entrepreneur
A summer view of Michigan Tech campus from across the waterway.