Modern Campus CMS Access Request

Department web liaisons use this form to request new user access to Modern Campus CMS. All users with edit access will also be required to complete the University's accessibility training, which will be assigned by the ICT accessibility coordinator after this request form is submitted. Email with any questions.

Access Type *

List URLs for all sites the person will need access to, such as or For faculty edit access, list the URL for the faculty's personnel information page. Aside from faculty edit access, all other access is for the entire website, it cannot be limited to individual sections.

Training Options *

Canvas Training is self-paced, online and includes reading the training material, completing tasks on a training webpage, quizzes, and a final project, followed by a 30-minute in-person review. Access to the department webpages is not granted until the final review has been completed.


Please note: We have seen several issues when the Canvas training course is not completed in a timely manner, so all Canvas training must be completed within one semester, or about four months. If training is not completed during this timeframe, it will be removed and you will need to request access and training for the user again when they are ready to work on the course.