Sound Spaces

Lighting and Sound Lab

Walker 210

Contact: Christopher Plummer

The Lighting and Sound Lab is a versatile space dedicated to the exploration of sound, lighting, theater, dance, and intimate performances.

Film Mixing Studio

Rozsa 212

Contact: Christopher Plummer

A medium-sized studio space with recording and post-production sound for picture capabilities. It also houses an assortment of sound effect generating items (boxes of dirt, boards with springs, foam bats, a paddle with suction cups for an octopi attack…).

One of our 5 powerful sound and music composition workstations is installed in this room and connected to a mastering-quality surround system.  The mains in this room feature low diffraction speaker cabinets with exceptionally high-quality soft diaphragm drivers. The loudspeakers are all sealed box designs for fast transient response.  This room supports stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 mixing.

For tracking, patch points are available around the room to make it easy to set-up microphones and headphones. There are always two high-quality microphones patched in the room for quick recordings.  Special acoustic baffles have been set up creating a neutral environment for voice recording.

Rozsa Recording Studio

Rozsa 215

Contact: Christopher Plummer

Our primary tracking and mixing space features ProTools HD and a Midas Pro2c console. Three sets of reference monitors, Genelec, Avantone and custom designed monitors in a well designed acoustical environment, provide an excellent foundation for making sound decisions. In addition to a wide variety of digital processing available in Pro Tools and the Midas mixing console, external processors and dedicated boutique microphone preamplifiers are always available in the room, with additional equipment available to pull from storage.

This room can track up to 64 channels from the Band Rehearsal Room or the Rozsa Main Stage for recording sessions or live concerts. The studio is also the central control room for broadcast mixes of music concerts. The studio is also the control room for our student composers’ film scoring sessions.

Hagan Practice Room

Rozsa 209

Contact: Tanya Maki

This is a large ensemble practice room with an audio workstation designed around music composition. A MIDI controller with hammers and personalized sensitivity is the centerpiece with additional control via an advanced drum pad and additional keyboard with significant parameter control. The video and audio monitors along with all control are on a sit/stand desk on extra-strong casters, allowing the workstation to be used with live ensembles on stage or in the Band Room.

McArdle Theatre

Rozsa 207


The McArdle Theatre is a large black box theatre that we use for many purposes including theatre shows, music festivals, gated anechoic testing for loudspeaker design, and art installations. With ETC lighting control, a wide variety of available lighting instruments, a collection of sound consoles/microphones/loudspeakers, and an installed BSS DSP system, McArdle has considerable technology to help us realize the craziest ideas.

All sound majors are required to do a major production in this space their third year. The surround systems used have varied from twenty-two to thirty-seven loudspeakers and three to seven computers. This technical complexity allows the students to create a sound world that is a seamless part of the production, with the audience unaware of the technical sophistication. Through this project, students are prepared for working on large professional productions and installations from major musicals to theme park experiences.

Humanities Digital Media Zone (HDMZ)

Walker 120

Contact: Erin Smith

A computing, language-resource, and media-production facility. The HDMZ uses Macintosh and PC computers with an assortment of digital media software including Adobe Creative Suite and Final Cut Pro.

CAML Design Lab

Rozsa 213

Contact: Christopher Plummer

Computing lab with 2D and 3D CAD (VectorWorks, AutoCAD, and more), acoustical modeling software (EASE, RPG, and more), video production (After Effects, Adobe Premier), audio production (Logic, ProTools, Melodyne, AudioEase, and more), notation (Finale and Sibelius), and much more. There are multiple production and individual workstations as well as a 5.1 Surround Sound workstation available.

James and Margaret Black Performance Hall

Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts

Contact: Hannah Rundman

The Rozsa's Black Auditorium performance hall is a proscenium space with variable acoustics and sophisticated lighting, sound, and projection technology. Students in VPA programs work on a variety of in-house productions as well as touring professional shows.
