McArdle Theatre
Rozsa 207
The McArdle Theatre is a large black box theatre that we use for many purposes including theatre shows, music festivals, gated anechoic testing for loudspeaker design, and art installations. With ETC lighting control, a wide variety of available lighting instruments, a collection of sound consoles/microphones/loudspeakers, and an installed BSS DSP system, McArdle has considerable technology to help us realize the craziest ideas.
All sound majors are required to do a major production in this space their third year. The surround systems used have varied from twenty-two to thirty-seven loudspeakers and three to seven computers. This technical complexity allows the students to create a sound world that is a seamless part of the production, with the audience unaware of the technical sophistication. Through this project, students are prepared for working on large professional productions and installations from major musicals to theme park experiences.
James and Margaret Black Performance Hall
Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
Contact: Hannah Rundman
The Rozsa's Black Auditorium performance hall is a proscenium space with variable acoustics and sophisticated lighting, sound, and projection technology. Students in VPA programs work on a variety of in-house productions as well as touring professional shows.
Costume Shop
Rozsa 204
Contact: Mary Cyr
Space to learn the art of costume design, with several periods of costumes in house.
Scene Shop
Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
Contact: Kent Cyr
Space dedicated to constructing larger student projects and scene sets for performances.
Lighting and Sound Lab
Walker 210
Contact: Christopher Plummer
The Lighting and Sound Lab is a versatile space dedicated to the exploration of sound, lighting, theater, dance, and intimate performances.