Academic Concerns

Life at Michigan Tech may come with a variety of unexpected academic challenges. You may find yourself struggling with their classes, having difficulty catching up with assignments, or not getting the grades they want, nor expected. If this happens, you may begin to lose confidence in yourself. Other common concerns include, but are not limited to, time management or procrastination, ineffective studying, or a learning disability. Mental Health Services understands the rigors of academia at Michigan Tech and wants to provide the resources available to help you succeed during your time here.

Academic Stress and Anxiety

Struggling academically it can lead to an increase in stress level, which in turn can impact academic performance and perpetuate a cycle of stress. Ongoing academic stress may impact more areas of life than just school. Stress is a part of everyday life, and our bodies way of telling us that we our encountering a situation that is demanding a change from our norm. Stress can be good, bad or both, but can be uncomfortable to experience regardless. When stress does not dissipate or grows in intensity or duration, it may be an indicator that a student should seek help to manage and reduce stress. Listed below are some tips and resources to address academic stress.

On Campus Resources

Mental Health Services
Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success
One of the 14 learning centers offered on campus.

Time Management and Procrastination

The size of a student’s workload, as well as time to complete the work, varies from student to student, but can be drastically different from high school. Students may struggle with having enough time to finish the work or not finding the time to study for an exam. Time management difficulties can create stress for students, which impacts their mental and physical health. Procrastination is another issue that goes hand-in-hand with time management. Procrastination is a problem that affects many students and is often about avoidance, perfectionism and feeling overwhelmed. Below are some resources to help combat time management issues and procrastination.

On Campus Resources

Mental Health Services
Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success

Online Resources

MindTools Time Management
8 time management tips for adult college students
Dartmouth Time Management Tips
Procrastination Information from the Centre for Clinical Interventions
Procrastination Information from Cal Poly
Academic Skills

Free Smartphone Apps (Available for iOS and Android)

  • My Study Life
  • Trello
  • Pocket
  • Evernote

Test anxiety

Test anxiety is a specific form of anxiety that a student experiences when they are anticipating an upcoming exam and/or taking an exam. Test anxiety can hinder a student’s academic performance, which results in additional stress and anxiety.

On Campus Resources

Mental Health Services
Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success

Online Resources

Free Smartphone Apps (Available for iOS and Android)

  • MindShift
  • Breathe2Relax
  • Self-Help Anxiety Management (SAM)

Communication with a Professor

Talking with your professor can be difficult and stressful undertaking, especially if it is something you have not done before. It is common for students to be uncomfortable or fearful to meet with their professor. Students may be concerned that they will look stupid or they just don’t know what to expect. Professors want students to use them as a resource