Many thanks to those who have donated to Winter Carnival. You contributions are what makes our traditions possible.
2025 Donors
Corporate ($1000+)
- Magnuson Copper Crown Hotel
- Houghton Super 8
- Visit Keweenaw
- MTU Office of the Vice President for Research
- MTU Director, Residence Education and Housing Services
- MTU Office of the President
- Mike and Liz Pulick
- MTU Athletics and Recreation
- Upper Peninsula Power Company
Copper ($500-$999)
- Keweenaw Brewing Company LLC
- Ojibwa Casino Resort
- MTU Graduate School
- MTU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MTU Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- MTU Chemistry
- MTU Office of the Chief Finanical Officer and Senior
- VP for Administration
- MTU Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- MTU College of Engineering
- MTU VP for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
- MTU Pavlis Honors College
- MTU VP for Student Affairs
- MTU College of Science and Arts
- Copper Country Management
Gold ($250-$499)
- Copper Country Ford Inc.
- Superior Sand and Gravel
- Aire Care
- MTU College of Business
- MTU College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- MTU Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs
- MTU Financial Aid
- MTU Career Services
- Remax Douglass Real Estate Inc.
- Soumi Home Bakery and Restaurant
- Quincy Dining Company
- Range Limited Inc.
Silver ($100-$249)
- Gino's Restaurant
- Suomi Restaurant, Inc.
- Respawn Laser Tag
- Border Grill
- The Forge
- Finlandia Foundation
- Peterlin Bros. Co.
- Advance Tec Body Repair
- Keweenaw Automotive Inc
- Portage Quilt House
- Pepsi Cola Bottling Company
- Century 21 North Country
- Great Lakes Accounting
- Keweenaw Waters Resort
- Swift Hardware
- MTU Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- MTU Chemical Engineering
- MTU Social Sciences
- MTU VP for University Relations and Enrollment
- Peterson's Fish Market
- Surplus Outlet Inc
- MTU Engineering Fundamentals
- Superior Graphics
Bronze ($5-$99)
- Dapple-Gray Bed and Breakfast
- Bucko's Party Store
- Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce
2024 Donors
Corporate ($1000+)
- Mike and Liz Pulick
- Magnuson Copper Crown Hotel
- Houghton Super 8 Motel
- Visit Keweenaw
- Tadych's MarketPlace
- Office of the President
- MTU Athletics and Recreation
- Residence Education and Housing Services
- Celebrations Bridal
Copper ($500-$999)
- Keweenaw Brewing Company
- SEMCO Energy Inc
- Copper Country Management Inc - McDonald's of Houghton #27820
- College of Sciences and Arts
- Michigan Tech Student Affairs
- Pavlis Honors College
- Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- Graduate School
- Office of Advancement and Alumni Engagement
- Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering Department
Gold ($250-$499)
- Country Village Shops
- City of Hancock
- Keweenaw Co-op
- RE/MAX Douglass Real Estate
- Incredible Bank
- Ojibwa Casino
- ShoreWaves Internet
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Department of Physics
- Office of the Provost
- College of Engineering
- College of Business
- International Programs and Services
- The Print Shop
Silver ($100-$249)
- Victoria's Kitchen
- Portage Quilt House
- Peterlin Bros Co
- Surplus Outlet
- Pepsi Cola Bottling Company
- Copper Country Ford
- Northwinds Adventures
- Vinyl Truth
- Respawn Laser Tag
- Roy's Pasties & Bakery
- Soumi Home Bakery & Restaurant
- Gino's Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge
- Border Grill
- Ramada Inn
- Superior Graphics Studios
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Vice President of University Relations and Enrollment
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Social Sciences
Bronze ($5-$99)
- J. Jukuri Spa and Salon
- Bucko's Party Store
- Advance Tec Body Repair
- Bills B&B Bar
2023 Donors
Corporate ($1000+)
- Houghton Super 8 Motel (Ruth E. Wisti)
- Magnuson Copper Crown Hotel
- Pacific Coast Holdings LLC
- Jim's Pizza
- Scott Xiong
- Office of the President
- City of Houghton
- Director, Residence Education and Housing Services
- Inter-Residence Housing Council (IRHC)
Copper ($500-$999)
- Keweenaw Brewing Company LLC (Richard and Stasia Gray)
- Edward Jones
- Copper Country Management Inc
- Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- College of Science and Arts
- Graduate School
- Dean of Students and VP for Student Affairs
- VP for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
- Pavlis
- Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Gold ($250-$499)
- William and Wilma Verrette
- Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Houghton Inc
- Copper Country Ford Inc
- Quincy Dining Company Inc (Robert and Susan Grasseschi)
- City of Hancock
- College of Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
- Chemistry
- Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs
- VP for Diversity and Inclusion
- Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Inc
- Range Limited Inc
Silver ($100-$249)
- Gino's Restaurant
- Finlandia University
- Vinyl Truth
- Focus Restaurant Concepts
- Portage Quilt House LLC
- Aire Care (John E. Koski)
- Suomi Home Bakery and Restaurant
- Keweenaw Dental PLLC
- Peterson's Fish Market
- Wallace Southerland
- Keweenaw Automotive Inc
- Peterlin Bros. Co. (Ferdinand Peterlin)
- Century 21 North Country Agency (G. David Jukuri)
- Chemical Engineering
- Engineering Fundamentals
- Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Mathematical Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Athletic Director
- VP for University Relations and Enrollment
- Surplus Outlet Inc
- Ramada Inn-Waterfront Fountainhead Asset Management LLC
- North Wind Books
- UP Engineers & Architects Inc
- The Print Shop
Bronze ($5-$99)
- Madison A. Aude
- Elisabeth G. Fitzpatrick
- Advance Tec Body Repair
- Coppertown USA Inc
- Rachel M. May
2022 Donors
Corporate ($1000+)
- Circle Power Renewables
- City of Houghton
- Houghton Super 8 Motel
- Incredible Bank
- Michigan Tech Athletics and Recreation
- Office of the President
- Scott Xiong
- TV6
Copper ($500-$999)
- Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- College of Science and Arts
- Director, Residence Education and Housing
- Edward Jones
- Edward Jones-Missouri
- Keweenaw Brewing Company LLC
- McDonald's Of Houghton
- McNair Hall Association
- Office of Advancement
- Ojibwa Casino Resort
- Semco Energy Inc
- The Daily Mining Gazette
- Wadsworth Hall Student Association
Gold ($250-$499)
- Armando's and the Douglass Saloon
- City of Hancock
- College of Business
- College of Engineering
- DP Construction Inc
- Massie Manufacturing Inc
- Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
- Mont Ripley
- Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs
- Quincy Dining Company Inc
- Range Limited Inc
- The Vault Hotel
Silver ($100-$249)
- Aire Care
- Black Ice Comics
- Border Grill
- Brockit Inc.
- Celebrations | Diane and Charles Eshback
- Century 21 North Country Agency
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Chickadees
- Elizabeth G. Williams
- Finlandia University
- Good Times Music
- Keweenaw Automotive Inc
- Mathematical Sciences
- Michael A Lahti Properties
- Michigan Tech Transportation Services
- North Wind Books
- Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Houghton Inc
- Peterlin Distributing
- Ramada Inn
- Roy's Pasties and Bakery
- Signed 100th Hockey Jersey
- Social Sciences
- Suomi Home Bakery and Restaurant
- Suomi Restaurant
- Surplus Outlet Inc
- The Den
- University Images Gift Card
- VP for University and Enrollment
Bronze ($5-$99)
- Ambassador
- Country Village Shops
- Dollar Bay Linoleum & Tile Company
- Douglass Houghton Hall Council
- Film Board
- Joey's Seafood and Grill
- Madison A. Aude
- Mariner North
- McGrath Inc
- Patricia Peterson
- Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Houghton Inc
- Portage Quilt House LLC
- TD Nail and Spa
- Van Pelt and Opie library
2021 Donors
Corporate ($1000+)
- Dean of Students and VP for Student Affairs
- Flagstar Bank
- Office of the President
Copper ($500-$999)
- Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- College of Sciences and Arts
- Edward Jones
- McDonald's of Houghton
- Ojibwa Casino
Gold ($250-499)
- College of Business
- Director of International Programs and Services
- Great Lakes Accounting, P.C.
- Massie Mfg., Inc.
- Materials Sciences and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
- Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs
- Quincy Dining Co.
- Social Sciences
Silver ($100-$249)
- Air Care LLC
- Athletic Director
- Century 21 - North Country Agency
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Copper Country Ford
- CopperDog 150
- Geological/Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Midway Rentals and Services
- Pepsi Coloa Bottling of Houghton
- Ramada Inn Waterfront Hancock
Bronze ($5-$99)
- Celebrations | Diane and Charles Eshback
- Dollar Bay Linoleum and Tile Company
- Drapple-Gray Bed and Breakfast LLC
- Todd and Kerri Haugh
- Dan and Peg Kauppi
- Peninsula Copper Industries Inc
- The Print Shop Houghton
2020 Donors
Corporate ($1000+)
- Celebrations Bridal and Formal Wear
- City of Houghton
- Dean of Students and Student Affairs
- Inter-Residence Housing Council
- Keweenaw Convention and Visitor's Bureau
- Magnuson Franklin Square Inn
- Michigan Tech Alumni Board
- Michigan Tech Athletics and Recreation
- Office of the President
- TV6
Copper ($500-$999)
- Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- College of Science and Arts
- Copper Country Management, INC. DBA McDonald's of Houghton
- Daily Mining Gazette
- Graduate School
- Houghton Super 8
- Incredible Bank
- Keweenaw Brewing Company
- Ojibwa Casino
- Residence Education and Housing Services
- The Alumni Board of Directors (Assoc. VP Alumni Engagement)
- The Print Shop
- Upper Great Lakes Family Health
Gold ($250-499)
- Chickadees
- College of Computing
- College of Engineering
- Country Village Shops
- Cyberia Cafe
- Edward Jones - Steve Zutter
- Flagstar Bank
- Houghton City Transit*
- International Programs and Services
- Keweenaw Castle Resort
- Massie Manufacturing Inc
- Massie Manufacturing Inc
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
- Mike Lahti Properties
- Mont Ripley
- Portage Quilt House
- Provost Huntoon
- Quincy Dining Company
- Regis Salon
- Roy's Pasties and Bakery
- Rukkila Negro and Associates
- School of Business
- SEMCO Energy
- Social Sciences
- Suomi Home Bakery and Restaurant
- Superior Graphics Studios Ltd
- Swift True Value Hardware
- The Ambassador
Silver ($100-$249)
- Aire Care LLC
- Athletic Department
- Biology
- CFO and Senior VP for Administration
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Cognitive and Learning Sciences
- College of Engineering Fundamentals
- Copper Country Ford
- Keweenaw Dental
- Respawn Laser Tag
- Suomi Restaurant
- Surplus Outlet, Inc
- U.P. Engineers and Architects, Inc
- University Images
- VP for University Relations and Enrollment
- Waste Management
Bronze ($5-$99)
- 41 Lumber
- Bucko's Party Store
- Century 21 North Country Agency
- Cyberia Cafe
- Jerry and Anne Tabor
- Joeys
- Joshua Olson
- KC Bonkers
- Mt. Bohemia
- Peninsula Copper Industries
- Personal Donation
- Portage Dental Health- Robert D Richards
- Quincy Mine
- Studio 13
- Superior Travel
- Transportation Services
*denotes product donor