Request Services
ACMAL offers services by instrument, such as training, sample preparation, and sample analysis.
- If you are new to ACMAL
- If you have an issue in the Electron Optics, Scanning Probe Microscopy, or Surface Analysis Facilities
- If you have a question about tours, outreach, courses, grant-writing, or citations related to ACMAL
- If you are unsure what instrument to use
- If you need help identifying a research topic expert
- If you have ACMAL-related publications, posters, and other outcomes you would like posted
Elizabeth Miller
- Director, Applied Chemical and Morphological Analysis Laboratory (ACMAL)
- Staff, Materials Science and Engineering
- M & M Building 717
Professional Staff
FEI 200kV Titan Themis STEM
Contact Erico T. F. Freitas if you need training and access for the FEI 200kV Titan Themis STEM instrumentation.
Erico Freitas
- Research Scientist, Materials Science and Engineering
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- M&M 622
SEM Analysis, STEM Imaging, Instrument Training
Contact Isabella Jaszcak if you need sample preparation, SEM analysis, STEM imaging, or instrument training.
Isabella Jaszczak
- Research Engineer I, Materials Science and Engineering
- M & M Building 206
Surface Analysis Faciilty Instrumentation
Contact Timothy Leftwich if you need training and access for the Surface Analysis Facility instrumentation.
Timothy Leftwich
- Research Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- M & M Building 633
SEM, XRD,or Sample Preparation
Contact Joey Tomei if you need help with SEM, XRD, or sample preparation.
Joey Tomei
- Research Engineer I, Materials Science and Engineering
- 248-875-5514
- M & M Building 626
Student Staff
Contact the EOF student staff if you are already authorized and need:
- Basic technical assistance
- Sample preparation
- Coating
Cooper Chiarino
EOF Lab Assistant
Alyssa Fabbro
EOF Lab Assistant
X-Ray Facility Manager
Contact Ed Laitila if you need training and access for the X-Ray Facility.
Edward Laitila
- Senior Research Engineer/Scientist II
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- 906-369-2041
- M & M Building 628
Confocal Imaging Facility Manager
Contact Marina Tanasova if you need training and access to the Cell Culture Lab and Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, if you need a storage place for gloves, lab-coats, and other supplies or have general questions about the Confocal Imaging Facility, or if you need training and access to the Olympus FluoView FV1000 Confocal Microscope.
Marina Tanasova
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Graduate Program Director
- 906-487-1163
- Chem Sci 620B
Statistical Consulting Service
The Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics (CAMS) is pleased to announce a free statistical consulting service provided to the MTU research community. The purpose of this service is to foster collaborations between members of CAMS and researchers from other centers, departments and colleges at MTU.
- Help with experimental design (including power analysis and sample size determination).
- Help with data analysis with appropriate and clean data sets.
- Provide guidance and suggest statistical methods for data analysis and visualization.
- Provide guidance on appropriate statistical language for manuscripts.
Visual Media
As part of their team’s ongoing efforts to support enhanced capacity for campuswide research and scholarly activity, the Research Development Office is pleased to announce support for researchers and scholars who need photography, videography, or visual graphic support as part of their research and proposal activities.
If you believe these services could help you advance your work, please reach out to to further discuss the availability of these services and their fit with your ideas.