Origin AFM Image Acquisition

Engaging and Imaging

NOTE: DO NOT open the door of the enclosure while the tip is engaged. This can damage (or destroy) the tip due to jarring and vibrations.

Chart with two nearly overlapping, irregularly oscillating line graphs.
Height Channel Graph
  1. In the Image Tab in the Master Panel, adjust the Scan Parameters to suit your needs.
    1. Scan Size:
      1. Can be adjusted during scanning. It is good habit to check the setpoint and integral gain again after adjusting.
      2. 20-15 µm is a good starting scan size.
    2. Points/Lines (Resolution): It is recommended to start at 256 and, after optimizing the image, increase the resolution as desired.
    3. Scan Rate: 1.0 Hz is standard and works for most specimens. Too slow or too fast can produce artifacts.
  2. Use the Master Channel Panel to change the Channels to suit your needs:
    1. These are the data streams, such as height, phase, deflection, and so on.
    2. Up to 8 can be opened at one time. They can only be adjusted when the tip is not scanning.
  3. Click on Path just to the right of the Save Options Section.
  4. Add your name to the end of the directory path and press Enter.
    1. This will create a folder in C:\Users\Asylum User\Documents\Asylum Research Data\ [TODAYS DATE]\[YOUR NAME]
    2. This will need to be done each day.
    3. You can also specify a different directory path if desired.
  5. Edit the Base Name for images and add notes if desired.
  6. Save All: Each full scan will be saved as an image. It will append and increment the suffix as it captures images.
  7. Click Frame Up or Frame Down to begin scanning.
  8. Select Setpoint in the Imaging Section of the Master Panel.
  9. While looking at the Height Channel Graph (see image above), use the inner part blue dial controller to SLOWLY decrease the Setpoint.
    1. The goal of this is for the trace and retrace lines to have identical curvature. There will still be a slight offset.
    2. For Contact Mode: 1.000 V is a good place to start.
  10. Select Integral Gain in the Imaging Section of the Master Panel.
  11. While looking at the Amplitude Channel Image, use the inner part blue dial controller to adjust the Integral Gain to optimize the image.
    1. 10 works for most specimens.
    2. Noise will be introduced if it is too high/low.
  12. Click Frame Up or Frame Down to start a fresh scan.
  13. As the tip is scanning, keep an eye on the Z Voltage (in the Sum and Deflection Panel).
    1. This value tends to creep up.
    2. If it has drifted too far from the initial 70 V setting:
      1. Stop the scan.
      2. Click Engage in the Sum and Deflection Panel.
      3. Use the Front Leg Wheel on the AFM Head to adjust the Z Voltage back to ≈ 70 V.
      4. Click Withdraw in the Sum and Deflection Panel.
      5. Continue imaging.

Zooming In

To Zoom in on a certain area:

  1. Click and drag on the height (or amplitude) channel image to make a box.
  2. Right click on the selected area and select Zoom.
    1. Nice Zoom will make area to the nearest rounded number.
    2. Edit Zoom will allow you to type in an area.

AC Air Operation: Edit Image