Modify Panel
- This panel will modify the raw image data. There is a Title Box just below the tabs that will have the name of the graph/image that will be modified. It is good to double check this if you have multiple images open.
- After a modification has been done to an image, a new data tab will be created with m0 appended to the end.

Masks allow the non-planar areas of an image to be excluded during Flattening and Plane Fitting. They can also be used to omit areas during analysis.
Calculative Mask
- Make sure Iterative is selected in the Calc Method.
- Click Calc Mask.
- Adjust the Threshold of the mask by doing one of the following:
- Clicking Dilate/Erode Buttons
- Dragging the blue vertical line in the histogram graph
- Using the arrows/typing in a threshold value
- If needed, Check the Inverse box to invert the mask.
Hand Drawn
- Click Exclude Points. Drawing tools will appear on the left-hand side of the Image Display Window.
- Select a tool.
- Draw a shape around the area on the image.
- Multiple shapes can be drawn.
- The shape should turn to a red outline once drawn. If this does not happen, Click Reset Mask then click Exclude Points again.
- Click Make Mask.
- If needed, Check the Inverse box to invert the mask.
Reset Mask can be used at any point to clear a mask from an image.
- Make a mask if areas need to be excluded from flattening.
- Select the desired flatten order.
- 0 order - Removes the Z offset between each scan line by subtracting the average Z value from every point.
- 1st order - Removes the Z offset and the tilt. This is used for the majority of applications on the AFM.
- 2nd order - Removes the Z offset, tilt and arched shape scanner bow.
- 3rd order - Removes Z offset, tilt and “S” shape scanner bow.
- Click Flatten right above the order to execute.
Plane Fitting
- Make a mask if areas need to be excluded from plane fitting.
- Select the desired Planefit Order.
- 1st order - Removes tilt.
- 2nd order - Removes tilt and arched shape scanner bow.
- 3rd order - Removes tilt and ‘S’ shape scanner bow.
- Click X, Y, or XY right above to execute the Planefit for the desired axis.
Erase Scan Lines
- Choose the desired line width. 1 is recommended.
- Click Draw Lines.
- On the image, click and hold down the left mouse button. This will bring up a red line to show where the line is going to be placed after releasing the mouse button.
- Cover the scan line.
- Release the mouse button. The line will then turn blue when it is in place.
- It can be helpful to zoom in on the area containing the line. To do this click and drag to draw a box around the line, right-click on the box, and click expand. To zoom back out, right-click on the image and select Autoscale Axes
- If you misplace a line, you can click Clear Lines to restart.
- Click Erase Lines to execute.