Origin AFM Auto-Tuning for Tapping Mode

  1. Click on the Tune Tab in the Master Panel.
  2. Set the tune high and low frequency according to the cantilevers being used and the application. For general tapping mode cantilevers:
    1. Low = 50 kHz
    2. High = 400 kHz
  3. Set the Target Amplitude to 1.0 V.
  4. Set Target Percent to -5%
  5. Click Autotune.
    1. It is possible that it will not allow autotune if the laser is misaligned.
    2. If this happens, realign the laser and deflection.
  6. Cross check the frequency of the cantilever being used (listed on box), and check that the autotune plot looks similar to the one below.
    1. If the plot is drastically off, this could mean one of the following:
      1. The cantilever is seated incorrectly.
      2. The laser is misaligned.
      3. The cantilever is very degraded and should be replaced.
    2. Try adjusting the laser first, then seating before changing the cantilever. If there are still issues after replacing the cantilever, contact ACMAL staff.

AC Air Operation: Lowering the AFM Head
