
Student looking at pipes in the Unit Operations lab.

A minor allows an undergraduate student to specialize in a secondary discipline. A student may minor in any subject, provided the title of the minor differs from the title of the student’s major or major concentration.

A student interested in adding this minor should first express their interest to the minor advisor and then use the Request to Change... link on the My Degree card in Experience to request the minor. See the Registrar’s Office website for more information.

Minors offered by our department are listed below.

Polymer Science and Engineering

Polymer Science and Engineering

Meet the demand for chemical engineers who understand the chemical and mechanical properties of polymers, plastics, and composites. Some of the largest chemical companies in the world, several of which are based in Michigan, pursue Tech graduates with this training.

Mineral Processing

Mineral Processing

Help to sustainably manage the earth’s resources. Graduates combine their knowledge of chemical engineering and minerals processing to extract and refine valuable minerals, while at the same time protecting and restoring the landscape.

Bioprocess Engineering (Interdisciplinary Minor)

Bioprocess Engineering (Interdisciplinary Minor)

Work to develop lifesaving medicines and improve the food supply for a hungry world. Graduates in this field provide expertise on biological processes to major chemical, pharmaceutical, and food manufacturers.

Hydrogen Technology (Interdisciplinary Minor)

Alternative Energy Technology (Interdisciplinary Minor)

The interdisciplinary minor in alternative energy prepares students for careers in energy and related fields. The search for alternative energy sources is an area that has received great attention on and off over the last few decades. A growing area of research and development is currently occurring in the area of hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels, and solar cells. Such technologies have been suggested for transportation (motor vehicles) and stationary (heating and electricity) applications. (Formerly Hydrogen Energy Technology)