Frequently Asked Questions
Should I meet with my academic advisor?
- Yes. Your advisor can show you how to confirm required courses. They also provide academic and career support, and they can assist you with any questions or concerns.
How do I know what classes to take?
- Your degree audit is an excellent resource, and meet with your advisor.
What if I am not sure about my major?
- Reach out to the Wahtera Center. They can help you explore majors.
Can I change my major?
- Yes, but talk to the academic advisor in that department first.
Do I need a minor?
- No, but you can add a minor if you are interested in other skills that don't relate to your major. Typically, minors double count for other classes that you need, such as General Core and free electives. You can add a minor anytime before your senior year. You do not need to add a minor in your first semester.
What is a degree audit? Where do I find one? Why does it matter?
- Your degree audit is an interactive accounting of the courses you take towards your degree. You will find it in Experience within the My Degree card. Check this each semester to verify that you are making progress towards your degree, to plan your upcoming classes, and to reflect on your learning path. You can also use the 'what-if' scenarios to explore the courses required of other majors at Michigan Tech. If you are not seeing a detailed list of courses for your degree, contact your academic advisor; they can help.
- Current Michigan Tech students can add majors and minors with the department advisor
of desired major or minor. The student needs to be in Good Standing with a GPA above
- Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to discuss how the additional major or minor will work with your degree completion plan.
- Additional information is available on the Registrar’s website
- Students do not need to meet with an advisor to drop second degree or minor, just use Experience (see the My Degree card) to drop major or minor.
- Request major change, dual major or minor in Experience (see the My Degree card).
- New incoming first year students who wish to change their major before arriving on campus can email admissions, They will adjust your major for you.
- Co-op means Cooperative Education. Students are registered for Michigan Tech credit
while working with a company, typically over fall or spring semester during your junior
or senior year.
- Additional information is available on the Career Services website, including requirements, formal, and FAQs.
- Students typically work internships over the summer. This job is arranged by you and the company and there is no Michigan Tech academic credit.
- Schedule an appointment with your advisor to discuss your plans for co-ops or internships and how they will work into your degree completion plan.
- Preparing for Career Fair, help with resumes and interview resources.
- If you would like to discuss possible career paths your department chair is a great resource.
- Career Services
- The Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Research Scholarship provides research opportunities to Computer Science undergraduates, motivating creative activities and preparing them for graduate school or work in industry.
- Steps to ensure you graduate on time!
- Meet with your advisor(s) 3 semesters before you plan to graduate to ensure you are on track.
- Run your audit in DARS. If something does not look right, contact your advisor.
- A final degree audit needs to be run by your advisor and checked off after you are done registering for your last semester of courses. Contact your advisor(s) and schedule an appointment or send an email with your M number and ask them to run your final audit.
- Read your emails from Degree Services regarding graduation and applying to graduate.
- Plan for registration
- Prepare for registration well before your registration time, plan your courses, and meet with your advisor yearly to ensure you are on track for graduation.
- If you are registering and receive an error, this link will help you understand the error and if there a form or waiver needed to add the course.
- Forms and waivers are available from your advisor
- Registration information and forms
Make sure you are in contact with your advisor if you are struggling. Your advisor will help ensure you are connected to the resources most appropriate for your situation, help you adjust your degree plan to best meet your goals, and help you consider all the available options to make the best plan to move forward.
- Michigan Tech Transfer Information
- Looking to transfer to Michigan Tech from a different institution and need some help planning?
- Have you completed a degree at another institution or at Michigan Tech and wish to
pursue an additional undergraduate degree?
- Complete the necessary paperwork with your advisor to make your official degree plan and work with transfer services to document completed coursework.