1. Introduction

1.1 Student Affairs

Michigan Technological University is a globally recognized technological university that educates students, advances knowledge, innovates to improve quality of life, and promotes mutual respect and equity for all people of Michigan, the nation, and the global community. 

The Student Code of Community Conduct supports the University’s role in preparing students to create the future. Informed by its mission, vision, and values, Student Affairs provides opportunities for students to put our culture of integrity into action. Innovative student-centered activities, programs, and services promote civic engagement and responsibility and help our students develop strong leadership and team-building capabilities, critical thinking skills, and ethical awareness.

1.2 Our Mission

We are educators committed to the success of every student. We foster community through the Michigan Tech experience and together we:

  • Celebrate and respect individuality
  • Support and challenge students to grow to their full potential  
  • Inspire students to be active and courageous leaders in an global society. 

1.3 Our Vision

Student Affairs is a community of professionals where staff feel empowered to share ideas, engage in continuous learning, and lead with integrity to provide innovative programming and intentional engagement to support student’s personal and professional growth.

1.4 Our Values

The success of Michigan Tech students is the most important measure of our progress. Given this, we are committed to inspiring:

  • An engaged community that actively seeks improvement through acceptance and understanding.
  • Students achieve world-class scholarship through academics, research, and continued learning.
  • The creation of all conceivable possibilities through innovative use of their skills and knowledge.
  • Individuals to hold themselves accountable, and to act with integrity, honesty, and diligence.
  • The tenacity required to make ethical choices and to persevere through all obstacles.
  • The leadership needed for all individuals to boldly push everyday boundaries while serving others.

1.5 Purpose of the Student Code of Community Conduct

Michigan Technological University “prepares students to create the future.” In doing so, the University inspires the values of community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability, tenacity, and leadership. These values should serve to guide decisions and foster learning. Standards of conduct are set forth in the Student Code of Community Conduct to assist the University community in furthering its mission and values. The Office of Academic and Community Conduct has been given the responsibility for enforcing these standards, regardless of where incidents occur.

Student enrollment at the University is voluntary, optional, and a privilege. Upon enrollment, students have the responsibility to uphold the rules and values of the University, and the right to a fair and equitable conduct process. Students are responsible for knowing and complying with the information, policies, and procedures outlined in the Code.

The student conduct process is not intended to punish students; rather, it exists to protect the interests of the community and to guide and educate students whose behavior is not consistent with University policies. The Office of Academic and Community Conduct approaches student conduct as an educational and restorative process.

The purpose of the student conduct process is to determine responsibility, not guilt or innocence. The conduct process is not a criminal or civil trial; it is educational in nature, although non-criminal sanctions can be imposed if a student is responsible for a conduct violation. Sanctions are intended to challenge student’s moral and ethical decision-making and to help them bring their behavior into accord with the University’s values.

While the University has a primary duty to supervise behavior on its premises, there are many circumstances where the off-campus behavior of students affects the University and warrants action. The University expects students to conduct themselves in accordance with the law. Engaging in conduct prohibited under local, state, or federal laws as well as conduct prohibited under University regulations is a clear violation of the Code.

The Code may be applied to conduct online, via email, or other electronic media. Students should also be aware that online postings such as blogs, web postings, chats, and social networking sites are in the public sphere and are not private. These postings can subject a student to allegations of conduct violations if evidence of policy violations is posted online. The University does not regularly search for this information but may act if and when such information is brought to the attention of University officials. Most online speeches by students not involving University networks or technology is protected as free expression and not subject to this Code, with two notable exceptions: 

    1. A true threat, defined as “a threat a reasonable person in the circumstances would interpret as a serious expression of intent to inflict bodily harm upon specific individuals.”
    2. A speech posted online about the University or its community members that causes or is intended to cause a significant on-campus disruption of the University’s educational activities.

Michigan Tech promotes mutual respect and dialogue. We celebrate the exchange of different ideas and individual differences. Together, we create and sustain a respectful atmosphere of our community. We take care of fellow Huskies and work towards a sustainable, just, and prosperous world. The desire to seek knowledge and understanding unites us. When working together, we are stronger. We are Michigan Tech. 

Any harassment or discrimination is never justified, no matter the circumstances. These behaviors cultivate misunderstanding, fear, and cause harm to the community. Michigan Tech does not tolerate discrimination or harassment. Harassment does not include constitutionally protected activity or conduct that serves a legitimate purpose. As a University, we strive to foster a community where all students, faculty, and staff are able to study, work, teach, and learn in an environment that is healthy, safe, and free from these harms. 

For more information, assistance, or resources, you can contact the following:

Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX
eocompliance@mtu.edu or 906-487-3310.
You can also report a concern.

The University will take all actions that it deems necessary and appropriate to protect the integrity and best interests of the University and the University community. The Code (which also encompasses behavior that might constitute a violation of the law) provides ample interpretive latitude. If desired, an expedited review and modification process can be created with advance notice and opportunity to comment provided. While some deviation from practices described in the Code may at times be necessary, every effort will be made to ensure that the intent of fairness of the Code is maintained. The Code is a dynamic document, and as such is periodically reviewed, and can be modified. It is the responsibility of every member of the University community to periodically review the Code. 

1.6 Presumption of Not Responsible

Respondents are presumed ‘not responsible’ until proven otherwise by the preponderance of evidence standard.

1.7 Jurisdiction

1.7.01 On and Off Campus

This Code of Community Conduct shall apply to conduct that occurs on the University premises, during University sponsored activities and events, and to off campus conduct that involves students and/or student organizations. 

1.7.02 From Admission to Degree Conferment

This Code of Community Conduct shall apply to students from the time they are admitted to the University through the conferment  of their degree by the Board of Trustees. This includes conduct that may occur before semester classes begin or after classes end, during enrollment breaks if the student intends to re-enroll, as well as during semester breaks throughout the academic year. A student who has been suspended is still considered a student during the suspension period.

1.7.03 After Withdrawal if Incident Occurred While a Student

This Code of Community Conduct shall apply to student’s conduct even if the student withdraws from the University while student conduct proceedings are pending. A student who leaves the University before a conduct proceeding is resolved may be prohibited from future enrollment and/or accessing University records until the matter is resolved.

1.7.04 Dropping Courses

A student is not eligible to drop a course and take a ‘W’ during any open investigation relating to the Academic Integrity Policy, for any course in which the student has been found to have violated the Academic Integrity Policy, or to otherwise avoid the conduct process.

1.7.04 Registered Student Organizations (RSO)

Registered Student Organizations will follow the Registered Student Organizations Policy and Procedures for Conduct.

1.8 Students with Disabilities

Michigan Tech is committed to providing qualified students with disabilities reasonable accommodations and support needed to ensure equal access to academic programs and activities. A student requesting any accommodations related to filing a report and/or participating in the student conduct process should contact Disability Services as soon as possible so appropriate arrangements can be made. Disability Services will review documentation provided by the student, and in consultation with the student, determine which accommodations are appropriate to the student’s particular needs.

1.9 Good Samaritan Provision for Health and Safety

Student welfare is the University’s primary concern. The Good Samaritan Provision is intended to encourage students to seek swift medical and/or professional assistance for themselves and others without fear of penalty when health and safety situations arise that include but are not limited to, alcohol use, drug use, and/or psychological distress. Students are urged to not only take care of their own well-being but to behave in an equally responsible way with their peers.

There may be times when health and safety concerns arise from a student’s drinking or drug use, or psychological distress and in these situations, students should not hesitate to seek help from the Residence Education and Housing Services staff, Public Safety and Police Services, medical or counseling professionals, and/or off-campus police out of fear of student conduct action. Under this Good Samaritan Policy, neither the student in distress nor the student or organization seeking assistance will ordinarily be subject to student conduct action for the possession, provision, or consumption of drugs or alcohol.

This policy refers to isolated incidents only, and does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly or repeatedly violate the Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Students and Student Organizations Policy, nor does it preclude student conduct action arising from violations of other University policies. However, in cases involving additional policy violations, the University will consider the positive impact of reporting an incident as well as the health and safety needs of the involved student(s) when determining the appropriate course of action. This statement of intent applies only to administrative enforcement of the Code and does not provide immunity/amnesty from arrest or criminal prosecution.

1.10 Amnesty

Reporting of violations of the Student Code of Community Conduct is encouraged at Michigan Tech. Thus, it is imperative that individuals share information when participating in a conduct investigation without fear of potential consequences for certain policy violations including, but not limited to, underage consumption of alcohol or the use of illicit drugs. Michigan Tech offers parties and witnesses amnesty from such violations but may include educational opportunities for individuals in lieu of a finding of responsibility or punitive sanctions.

1.11 Conflict Resolution Network

Michigan Tech recognizes that individuals within the campus community may experience conflicts with others. In order to support a safe and just campus community, the Conflict Resolution Network at Michigan Technological University is a team of faculty and staff who approaches conflict resolution and student conduct from an educational, restorative and developmental perspective. The Conflict Resolution Network provides a variety of conflict resolution options, training, and services to guide faculty, staff, and students in managing and resolving conflict through a variety of conflict resolution options including: Conflict Coaching, Facilitated Dialogue, Mediation, Restorative Practices, and Shuttle Diplomacy. Any university community member experiencing interpersonal conflicts can request assistance

1.12 Student Code of Community Conduct and Title IX

When alleged violations of the Student Code of Community Conduct arise from the same events as alleged sexual misconduct under the Title IX Policy, the Student Code of Community Conduct allegations will be investigated and resolved under the grievance process under the Title IX Policy unless the Sexual Harassment has been dismissed under Section 5.2 of the Title IX Policy.

1.13 Modifications and Review of Policy

Michigan Tech reserves the right to modify this policy to consider applicable legal requirements. Michigan Tech will regularly review this policy to determine whether modifications should be made. The effective date of this policy is August 1, 2024

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